Archive | March, 2015

The Illusion of Time and Other Lies Disempowering the Masses

Time and Other Lies Disempowering the Masses

While there are no disempowering intentions here…introductory paragraphs are often illusions designed to draw you in. That being said, for this piece, let’s just get to the good stuff. The Lie of Truth From childhood you are taught ‘truths’ by your parents who have already been through their own process of programming. It is only […]

The Power and Meaning of Colors: Exploring the Rainbow of Life

meaning of colors

Everything emanates from white light – including the rainbow of colors we perceive all around us. The sun emits light of various wavelengths and frequencies, which our eyes translate as the visible color spectrum. Color rays are energy and each color carries a different wavelength. The amount of energy in a light wave is related […]

9 Herbal Teas and Supplements to Win at Weight Loss


If your weight loss journey has been marked by ups and downs, you’re not alone. Hormonal imbalances, pesticides in our food, and high levels of stress make it tough to keep off the pounds. Autoimmune diseases and chronic issues with our detoxification organs, like the liver and intestines, also affect body weight. If you’re doing […]

Psychic Housekeeping: How To Banish Negativity From Your Space

Psychic Housekeeping

The time for spring cleaning is just around the corner – but throwing out old junk may not be enough for a fresh start. When negative psychic energy accumulates within your home, you may feel easily tired, emotionally imbalanced, and struggle with maintaining relationships or holding down a job without realizing why. The answer is […]

Amethyst – Unlocking the Door to the Higher Mind

Amethyst - Unlocking the Door to the Higher Mind

Unlocking the door to the higher mind is made simple by using Amethyst during meditation. When placed upon the Third Eye Chakra, Amethyst clears out blockages in the mind that prevent you from connecting to your spirit guides and honoring the power of your intuition. This video shows you how to conduct a meditative exercise […]

Are You an Empath? Social Anxiety Could Be a Sign…

Social Anxiety

Accepting your role in a socially inclined world as an empath who picks up on others energies can be challenging. This is often particularly true for those on their ascension journey and seeking their path back to Source – a time when it’s essential to protect yourself from negative energies. I say this as someone […]