Tag Archives: Video

Shocking Video Explains How to Naturally Cure Cancer While Revealing the True Causes

Naturally Cure Cancer

The True Cause and Cure For Cancer—A MUST Watch Informative Video! This potentially life saving video delves into the facts and environmental conditions behind why cancer diagnoses have practically become commonplace—and at an ever-alarming rate among younger demographics of citizens in the United States and around the world. If you’re concerned about food toxins due […]

Ancient Egypt Video: “The Revelations of the Pyramids of Giza”

Pyramids of Giza

How did the Egyptians build one of the strongest empires in early history? How were they adorned in jewels of the finest gold-plating and exquisitely sewn clothing while moving about the corridors of the pyramids, their homes, and other structures without torches of fire? How did the ancient Egyptians communicate across distances using wireless antennas? […]

Damanhur: The Light of the Future


Deep in the foothills of the Alpine mountains of Italy exists a beautiful valley that fosters the dreams of a revolutionary Federation called Damanhur. Created in the 1970s, this magical community encourages unity, love and humor as the essential foundations of a happy life. Damanhur possesses its own constitution, its own unique currency and an […]

Fast Facts About Stones and Crystals: The Crystal Movie

The Crystal Movie

Narrated by a fast-talking animated crystal, “Spirit Science 13 – The Crystal Movie” is easy to follow, but you might have to back it up a time or two due to its fast pace. However, that being said, this half-hour gem is packed with valuable information ranging from the history of living crystals, their seemingly […]

How Our Thoughts Affect Vibration

Thoughts Affect Vibration

Discover how to raise your vibration and frequency by claiming your power and learn how to be more conscious of choosing your thoughts to manifest what you truly want. Because it has been proven that everything is energy – including thoughts, words, and everything we consider tangible in the world – and energy is merely […]