Ancient Egypt Video: “The Revelations of the Pyramids of Giza”

How did the Egyptians build one of the strongest empires in early history? How were they adorned in jewels of the finest gold-plating and exquisitely sewn clothing while moving about the corridors of the pyramids, their homes, and other structures without torches of fire? How did the ancient Egyptians communicate across distances using wireless antennas? Simple…by using the forces of nature.
More than just a testament to the Ancient Uses of Stones and Crystals, “The Revelations of the Pyramids of Giza, Part I” explains that The Great Pyramid wasn’t merely a tomb for the great rulers of an uncivilized civilization. Rather, it was a geo-mechanical power plant…one that responded to the earth’s vibrations along with an underground aquifer system that converted natural energy into electricity (physioelectricity).
From their exterior and insular materials including quartz crystals that served as transducers, the Pyramids of Giza served as a hub for all technology across Egypt 5000 years ago before electricity and wireless inventions were even thought to exist. Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower utilized the same electromagnetic field arrangement as that of the pyramids, and at the time his technology was considered new. While it wasn’t new, he was able to simultaneously transmit sounds and pictures between continents and apply wireless power transmission technology in various ways.
Tesla’s experiments along with historical verifications through artwork and relics serve as strong evidence to prove the various theories in “The Revelations of the Pyramids of Giza” Series. Check out Part I below.
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