Stuck in the Muck?

Stuck in the Muck

Sometimes, when I allow myself to sink deep into my emotions, fear crops up and I begin to feel ‘stuck in the muck’. This actually happened to me the other day, as I began to sink deeply into feelings of sadness and disappointment. Suddenly, I began to feel overwhelmed, unable to manage those deeper emotions. And, that is when fear stepped in –   fiercely driving me to what felt like quicksand.  I felt myself getting stuck into some rather old feelings and thought patterns.  For me, it goes something like this: “What’s the use, you’re really no good at managing these emotions, and they really are bigger than you, so why not just let them take over and give up.  You’ll never win.” 

Stuck in the MuckAt that point, as the ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts) started to crawl over and consume me, I panicked. I could sense how they were directly feeding into some deeply held core beliefs that I have been carrying inside of me that have to do with my worthiness.

For many of us, It’s often easier to sink back into old self-sabotaging behaviors and patterns because, sometimes, that mud feels more comfortable then learning new ways to master emotions.  The question for me at this point is, how can I do both – release the old thought patterns and core beliefs about myself AND raise my awareness while learning from this experience that is feeling quite negative?

Treasure Chest

I have discovered how to dig deeply into what I call my ‘treasure chest of tools or jewels’ to help me not just survive – but thrive. It’s a rather interesting treasure chest for each ‘jewel’ is a ‘tool’ that carries very high energies and frequencies allowing me to rise above the present situation so that I can see my path more clearly and find a new, healthier way of being. Some of the tools include crystals such as my ‘power pendant’ that I use to cleanse my auric field, protect me from negative energies, and keep me grounded.  Other tools include transformational coaching, NLP, EFT, working with other heart-centered individuals and re-membering to care for myself in all ways…. body, mind and spirit.  All of these tools help me view my situation from a higher perspective. But more about the treasure chest in later blogs.

Treasure Chest

Use it or Diffuse It

One jewel I have unearthed is the awareness that “I am not my thoughts”.  We have thoughts constantly running through our mind like the static on a radio station. When I hear this static, rather than become annoyed, I’ve learned how to tune in and say: “Self, is this thought helping me”? Based on my values and my journey, will this particular thought get me there or will it sideswipe me and take me off track and stuck in the muck?”.  When I get a ‘yes’; I then give myself permission to use it.  If it is a ‘no”, I diffuse it so I can clearly see the truth.

I believe we are all gifted the opportunity to expand our conscious awareness, by fine tuning our free will, so that we can lift the muddy veils of illusion and confusion.  Be seeing things from a new and higher perspective, we open ourselves for healing to take place.

It is from this new perspective that we are able to rise above the Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS), and gaining deeper clarity from our higher plane of consciousness.

Stay tuned for next week’s blog on more jewels from my treasure chest.  To learn more about the power of transformational coaching, I invite you to visit

Blessings filled with love and light,


Brenda BentleyBrenda Bentley is a Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Guide.  She is an avid collector of crystals, metaphysical tools and indigenous artwork and understands the energies around them.   She enjoys spending time in nature and working with others.  She offers her coaching services and customized CD’s at

Brenda Bentley Coaching is on:  Facebook | Linkedin

To learn more about coaching and to speak personally with Brenda, she is currently gifting a free 15-minute phone consultation.  She can be reached at: or by email at: [email protected].

This article was originally created and published by Brenda Bentley and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Brenda Bentley Coaching and It may be re-posted freely intact with original links, proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.


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