New Study Shows How Emotions Affect The Human Body

How Emotions Effect The Human Body

We human beings tend to be emotional creatures. Our emotions more often than not control our actions to many of the everyday situations we confront in our not so mundane lives.

On a daily basis we can experience a variety of emotions ranging from anger when we find ourselves stuck in traffic to joy on our birthday, but did you ever consider whether those emotions could actually be mapped to show how our bodies are responding to emotional circumstances.

Well in a study conducted by Finnish scientists and published on December 31st of last year in the journal Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences under the title “Bodily maps of Emotions“.

In this study, 700 participants including Taiwanese, Swedish, and Finnish subjects had areas of their bodies mapped for the first time ever reflecting their bodies’ emotional responses to feelings that included anger, happiness, and sadness.

The scientists used a Topographical Self Reporting tool to conduct their research, and it was responsible for monitoring the different emotional states that each subject responded to, and could be associated topographically with precise culturally universal physical sensations.

The study was able to confirm that our bodies were capable of having physiological reactions to these emotional sensations in different areas of our bodies.

It also confirmed that each emotion activates an entire network of exact areas in the body, separate from those activated by other types of emotions.

How Emotions Effect The Human Body

The participants in the study were asked to watch videos that stimulated certain emotions in their bodies, and then were asked to try and identify those areas where they felt responses to the stimulus from the videos they had viewed.

It’s no secret that most of the time our emotions are felt throughout our bodies and somatosensory feedback, which refers to other receptor senses that are present throughout our bodies but do not include the senses of hearing, vision, taste, balance and smell.

The study revealed some very interesting insights into how every emotion has its own unique vibrational frequency, and how each of our body’s organs vibrate at unique frequencies influenced by the emotions that we all feel every day.

The experiments that made up this study show us that different emotions could be associated with separate bodily sensation maps throughout the bodies of the experiment’s participants.

The body mapping revealed that emotions such as anger were displayed mostly in our chest, arms, and the lower part of the face. Our emotional response to happiness was actually mapped throughout our entire body and it was the strongest emotional response.

Disgust was mapped mostly in the area of throat and mouth, and love which is an emotion that every one of us experiences at some point in our lives through mapping was present in three different areas the face, the lower abdomen, and the chest.

This experiment shows that our emotions while running the gamut from love and happiness to depression and anger have definite effects on our body and emotional well being.

This study has shown us that our emotions are more than just the results of the things that affect us on an emotional level, their vibrational frequencies can be felt throughout our bodies, and it’s thought that they play a major role in producing the emotions that we thought we only felt, but not totally experienced on other conscious levels.


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