How to Feel and Share Energy with Others


Energy is all around us, swirling about the earth and the entire universe circulating the life force, Chi, or Prana that connects everything that exists. Everything is Energy, and whether you realize it or not, you are continually taking in this vibrational energy and feeding your own resonance into this cycling force. This mass of energy flows throughout the entire universe and is felt among the collective conscious of all living beings.

Feeling Energy Within a Minute

While some people are very conscious of the way energy feels — energy healers for example — some have yet to become aware of their energetic resonance and power. Take a look at this short video on Feeling Energy and then follow the steps below to learn how this phenomenon works, and how YOU can do it too, amaze your friends, and even exchange energy with them!

Mastering The Skill of Harnessing Energy with Hands

1. Get comfortable, take some deep breaths, close your eyes and relax your mind and body.
2. Hold your palms facing each other about 1-2 inches apart.
3. Continuing to breath in deeply from your abdominal regions, envision beams of energy filling your body and centering within your stomach.
4. With each exhalation, visualize these beams of energy radiating through your chest, shoulders, and arms.
5. Move your palms in small circles while they face each other. You may move only one palm or two, depending on the energy your feel or the amount you would like to.
6. You may feel warmth between the palms, tingling sensations, and it may feel as though your hands are experiencing a magnetic repelling effect and they may separate, while putting them closer together becomes more challenging.
7. Each inhalation and exhalation, concentrate on the feelings between your palms to increase the vibrational resonance of this energy of the hands.

Many energy healers, such as reiki healers use this Prana as the methodology for getting patients’ Chi flowing and to remove energy blockages and restore health.


Raising Vibrational Energy and Energy Exchanges

Any time you need an energy boost you can summon it. Close your eyes and stand with erect with your feet shoulder width apart with your arms relaxed just a few inches away from your body. Using your ‘mind’s eye’ visualize energy rising from the earth and the air all around you and traveling into your being. You will likely feel a pulsating or tingling sensation in your body as the energy flows into you. Continue ‘seeing’ this energy pouring in through your shoulders, down your arms, and radiating into your heart center. Feel the energy flowing downward and out through your toes and feet at is cycles back into the earthly plane.

You can do this quick one to two-minute exercises any time and most anywhere to boost your energy, elevate your mood, raise your vibrations, and even get your friends to understand the power of energy! You can use this energy routine to harness energy and direct it towards others in aims to heal, comfort, or raise their vibrations! While many master harnessing energy quickly, it may take you a few times to successfully ‘feel’ the effects. Consider meditating upon the concepts for higher guidance or incorporating a few healing stones or vibrational jewelry into your energy routine.

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