Tag Archives: Inspiration

Cultivating Mindfulness in Your Family Home

Cultivating Mindfulness

Amidst the chaos of raising a family, it can be difficult to find time to take a deep breath and appreciate the current moment. However, committing to even small moments of mindfulness can make your family home a calmer, more enjoyable space for everyone. Taking a timeout together can help your children talk more clearly […]

How Ancient Cultures Used Healing Crystals and Stones

healing crystals

Today, we understand that all things in the universe are forms of energy with their own frequency and vibration – including crystals. Nikola Tesla declared this concept as the key to understanding the universe and proved how certain forms of energy can alter the vibrational resonance of other forms of energy. This concept is why […]

Five Ways to Restore Emotional Balance When the STUFF Hits the Fan

Emotional Balance

It can be somewhat challenging to stay calm when the never ending cycle of the universal powers that be seem to continually seem to try and knock you on your keister. However, we can only live the best life possible by rising up and weathering these challenges by turning the tables and kicking their butts. […]

5 Great Ways to Bring Peace and Calm to Your Home

Peace and Calm to Your Home

Life is stressful. Work and other responsibilities come every day often making you feel edgy or nervous. Because of this, our homes become a vital place to regroup, relax and unwind. Single or living with family, making our homes into an oasis to enjoy life and pursue our own interests during downtime is a goal […]

Stones Can Be A Helping Hand With Allergies


Allergies, in their many forms, can seem like a minor ailment. However, for the 30% of people that are diagnosed with allergies, quality of life can be severely impacted. While some symptoms of allergies are undeniably physical, questions surrounding hereditary nature and allergies evidence that others are psychosomatic. Therefore, crystals can contribute a great deal towards controlling allergies. The […]