Golden Tiger Eye Healing Stones – Terrific Companions for Gentle Recovery

Golden Tiger Eye

Bringing together the vibrational resonance of sand and sunlight, tiger eye healing stones synthesize the energy of the sun and the earth, encouraging both grounding with Gaia and the connection with the spiritual realm. Ranging in colors that include browns, warm golds, and blacks, these tiger eye healing stones resonate the energy of nature and the animal kingdom. Soothing and calming, these beauties are gentle stones that emit a sense of peace and a greater balance of the Yin Yang energies.

Spiritual Benefits of Golden Tiger Eye Stones

Golden Tiger Eye

Golden Tiger Eye is said to activate the solar plexus chakra, bringing forth greater intuition and a sense of closeness with mankind and the earthly plane. It activates the base chakra and promotes sexual discipline and Kundalini energy by bringing greater passion and loyalty into current partnerships. Ancients used Tiger Eye as a talisman against bad luck and curses and many use it to attract greater wealth and prosperity. Tiger Eye attracts awakens the ***3rd eye, and this stone is excellent for attaining deeper meditative states for those seeking to tap into their psychic abilities, higher spiritual realms, Akashic Records, and contact otherworldly spirits and animal guides.

Find Emotional Grounding, Clarity, and Sharpness

Golden Tiger EyeScattered details and mental fog are often resolved through the shielding and grounding effects of tiger eye. It is believed to lend practicality to decision making and often helps users achieve greater clarity, conquer fears, and attain more openness to new ideas and situations. Greater optimism and the lessening of depression are often reported with use of tiger eye healing stones and they are ideal for those wanting to transition into healthy emotional and physical patterns.

Physical Health and Golden Tiger Eye Crystals

Golden Tiger EyeThe effects of tiger eye on the base, throat, and sacral chakras make it excellent for treating disorders and pain within those regions. Many users report benefits on the reproductive system and use it to promote virility and sterility. Some other purported uses of tiger eye for physical healing include:

* Eye Disorders, Night Vision
* Diverticulitis Relief
* Bone Health/Faster Healing
* Manic Depression
* Endocrine Disorders
* Sexual Dysfunctions

Discover the healing potential of this captivating stone for yourself…it’s a must-have for any rock hound and gem collector!

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