Healing Crystals and Stones are Merely Tools…You Create the Magic

My first healing stone with quantum infusion was a gift. It was freely given with a loving, generous heart and it arrived filled with glorious intentions and acceptance of my being. It was given in a gesture to aid my healing journey, and it was well received, wanted, and graciously accepted. In other words, love – intentions – willingness to receive – desire to transform – the major components to utilizing tools such as healing crystals and stones were all in place.
However, for every user testimony I see where the recipient feels an immediate connection with their stone, there is one who claims, “I didn’t feel anything…what am I doing wrong?” My response is this: You aren’t doing anything wrong, the issue is that you likely aren’t approaching the energy healing process with your tools in the most effective fashion.
In fact, when I ask “I feel nothing” respondents what actions they took when they received their stone before wearing or using it, I get a common reply of, “Well, I didn’t do anything.” So, if any ‘problem’ exists it is that many first-time users of healing crystals and stones is that they expect to simply hold them, wave them around, wear them, etc – and expect magic to happen!
Well, these tools for transformation don’t work that way, nor does the healing process. Here are the guidelines we recommend for getting the most out of quantum infused jewelry or any other healing crystals and stones.
Cleansing, Programming & Dedicating Stones
CLEANSING STONES: The die-hard crystal user would insist upon ensuring all negative energies are cleansed prior to using one. However, quantum infused pendants arrive cleared and will generally stay cleared because of the nature of the scalar infusion process. The choice is yours with your stone, and you can learn several methods for Cleansing Crystals and Stones here.
Here’s your chance to create the magic within your stone with your intentions and by setting the ‘program’ you want to tune into, so to speak. Ask that your stone only be used for the greatest intentions and in a positive light to pre-program it. Programming stones requires a solid, direct purpose to be effective – healing, romance, meditation, prosperity, etc.
With your healing crystals and stones in your left hand, place it over your heart chakra, visualizing white light streaming from Source to crystal to your heart. Repeat your formulated program statement 20-30 times and visualize the effects you desire from the program. Once you feel the transmutation of the energy and intention of the program is complete, your stone is ready to work magic with you!
Before wearing each day or using in a healing session, you may want to make a power statement to complement any programs that you set with your stone. If your goal is non-specific or you want to be open to receiving higher universal insights in meditation, it never hurts to remind yourself of some of these statements, which will get your vibrations elevated to amplify the work with your healing crystals and stones.
I am successful at everything I do.
I am worthy, I am innovative.
I am abundant, I am universal.
Soon all of my dreams will be nothing more than the past.
There are many Basic Types of Meditation and this practice is one of the best complementary actions one can take with all types of healing crystals and stones. It’s also an excellent way to raise your vibrations along with the aid of your stones.
As you can see, it’s not challenging to get the most out of your Quantum Stone, but you have to do your part. Other tips I use to maximize results with my healing crystals and stones include:
- Daily Use
- Unconditional Love
- Uncompromised Belief
- Patience, Patience, Patience
- Pillow Placement for Dreaming
- Resonating Positive Vibes
- Never Share Stones w/o Cleansing
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