Why Healing Stones Are Always a Good Idea


In the busy nine-to-five grind of daily life, mind, body and soul miss out on much-needed care and nurturing. Remember Grandma predicting rainy days by her achy bones? Now, it may seem you’re stiff and achy nearly every day.

Whether your aches are in mind, body or spirit, healing stones are a natural remedy to help with pain management. Along with a balanced diet and exercise, healing stones are a beneficial and easy way to have a consistent touchstone with you on your health journey.

Since the beginning of civilization, priests, shamans and other healers have used crystals as part of rituals and for their healing properties. Crystals are still a common remedy in alternative medicine because they are thought to vibrate in a way that matches human energy. This means the resonance of the human and the crystal either amplify healing vibration, or help alleviate vibrations that have become imbalanced.

Healing Stones

Laying the Stones on the Body

Every person is a natural healer, and the laying of stones on the body is a way to judge the body’s vibration and how it reacts to each stone. One stone may feel uncomfortable, where another will be soothing. When the stone feels uncomfortable, your therapist will move it to an area of the body that resonates with the stone. As it works, you may feel tingling, warmth or cool energy. This is a sign that the crystal’s vibration is helping release blocks of a spiritual, mental, emotional or etheric nature.

Many called to healing choose to become Reiki practitioners, working with symbols, stones, hands and the body’s chakras — or energy centers — to promote beneficial healing energy. If you choose to see a Reiki practitioner, or learn the healing art, you’ll likely see a stone layout similar to this:

  1. A red stone may be placed at the base of the spine to ground the body and connect it to Earth energy.
  2. On the sacral chakra — the lower abdomen — an orange stone is placed. Orange is associated with vitality and activity.
  3. At the solar plexus, between the ribcage and navel, a yellow stone is used. A stone that focuses on shifting energy, such as clear quartz or tiger’s eye, will help shift held tension around the diaphragm.
  4. For the heart chakra, at the chest’s center, balance is achieved by placing a green stone, especially to help cleanse emotional energy.
  5. For the throat chakra, associated with communication, the therapist will place a blue stone near the breastbone.
  6. At the center of the forehead, a darker blue or indigo stone can help balance the “third eye.” If your head is filled with pain or tension, place a stone such as an amethyst here.
  7. At the crown chakra, just over the head, a stone will help pull beneficial celestial energy down to the body. If using a dark blue stone for the forehead, use a purple or clear stone here.

This is a simple guide for color association with the body’s chakras. The main idea is to follow your intuition — if you feel inspired to move the stones or place a center stone at a particular area of the body, trust your gut.

Healing stones may be incorporated with other physical therapy, such as massage, to allay pain and help reveal the source of the pain as your energy shifts. Many massage therapists are also certified in Reiki, and at least 25 percent of American adults have used massage therapy as a way to relieve pain symptoms in the past. Consider incorporating healing stones as part of an alternative pain-management solution in your daily life.

Healing Stones

Healing Stones Can Be Beneficial for Everyday Pain Management

Whether you are facing bodily, emotional or mental pain, healing stones are beneficial to help release energy and to welcome more positive energy into your life. The following stones are organized by color to providing a jumping-off point for you to use in your everyday healing practice:

  • Red is a stimulating and active color that balances and energizes the heart center. Focus on  stones such as rubies for elements of survival, physical endurance, protection and motivation.
  • Pink is soothing and nurturing, inviting comfort and the support of friends and family. This energy subtly addresses painful areas and encourages personal growth. Rose quartz, associated with love and friendship, is an excellent example.
  • Orange focuses one’s energy and creativity, urging you toward success and vitality. Carnelian, for example, encourages the absorption of nutrients and helps nurture self-worth.
  • Yellow is connected with the functions of the immune, nervous and digestive systems. Fear, happiness and stress are also linked to stones of this color, and amber is a wonderful stone to help alleviate emotional distress, such as panic attacks.
  • Green is linked with the heart, helping ground energy and encourage nurturing feelings. Green aventurine helps balance emotions, while soothing anxiety.
  • Blue: Lighter or midtone blues are associated with the throat and communication, in addition to your five senses. Aquamarine helps with clarity of thought and communication, ideal for someone suffering migraines or mental fog.
  • Dark Blue/Violet: Colors closer to the indigo spectrum are linked with your “third eye,” or your intuition. Azurite will help you recall important details and follow your gut instinct, when you may feel conflicting emotions and pain.
  • Clear: Clear quartz is known as “the great amplifier,” and is typically a go-to crystal for all parts of the body, helping absorb negative energy and promote cleansing. For those new to crystal therapy, clear quartz is a good place to start.

Healing stones are always a good idea to help soothe and alleviate pain that influences your well-being on all levels. Try incorporating healing stones into your weekly or daily routine, through massage, meditation or simply carrying a stone in your pocket.


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