Tag Archives: Quantum Stones

Why Healing Stones Are Always a Good Idea


In the busy nine-to-five grind of daily life, mind, body and soul miss out on much-needed care and nurturing. Remember Grandma predicting rainy days by her achy bones? Now, it may seem you’re stiff and achy nearly every day. Whether your aches are in mind, body or spirit, healing stones are a natural remedy to […]

What is Zero Point Perspective? Exploring the 3 Mental Bodies


The best way I have heard the Zero Point Perspective described came from a healer at retreat who compared the experience to being on a merry-go-round. When standing on the outer edge, you have to concentrate to hang on; however, when you place yourself at the center of the ride, it takes almost no effort, […]

Stone People – Mother Earth’s Record Holders

Stone People

Native American tribes believe that Stone People are Mother Earth’s record holders, but what are Stone People? People who don’t know the Language of the Stones mistake Stone People as common rocks. However, they’re more than that. Using their magnetic quality, these stones collect the energy on the planet’s surface and store it for later use. Native Americans use […]