New Moon Magic! Create Positivity and Change with Moonstone

Every 29 days, the New Moon gives us an opportunity to invite positive energy and fresh beginnings into our lives. In this video, I show you how you can use Rainbow Moonstone to channel the cleansing energy of the New Moon to clear out negative energy in your psyche, find your inner strength and balance out your emotions.
Since the Moon rules our emotions and our feminine energy, using Moonstone during the New Moon is a fantastic way to get grounded and increase your potential to manifest things that will bring you a genuine sense of happiness. After all, the more in synch we are with our feelings, the easier it is to communicate what we want and create positive intentions that will help us align our reality with what our hearts desire! Rainbow Moonstone (and all other varieties of Moonstone) is a gentle tool that is perfect for beginners and anyone looking to invite a sense of inner peace into their lives.
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