Psychic Housekeeping: How To Banish Negativity From Your Space

Psychic Housekeeping

The time for spring cleaning is just around the corner – but throwing out old junk may not be enough for a fresh start. When negative psychic energy accumulates within your home, you may feel easily tired, emotionally imbalanced, and struggle with maintaining relationships or holding down a job without realizing why. The answer is simple: like our bodies and spirits, our homes must be cleansed of negativity, too! Clearing out negative energy in your home is the best way to finally make way for the new and improve your quality of life.

Smudge with Herbs For Optimal Cleansing

Smudging with sage is a classic way to free your home of troublesome energy, and it’s easy to buy for cheap. Sage is the perfect tool to use during times of crisis in your household. You can also smudge with your own blend of herbs by using an incense burner with a charcoal disk or a dish filled with sand. I recommend blending sandalwood, mistletoe, lavender and sage. Sandalwood generates loving energies; mistletoe increases your resolve to banish negativity; and lavender purifies toxic influences in your environment. Here is a smudging exercise to bless your home:

  1. Burn Sage for purifying the energy in your home.

    Burn Sage for purifying the energy in your home.

    Prepare your sage or blend of herbs. Take caution to ensure that your materials are in a safe location when burning.

    • You may want to meditate beforehand to prepare yourself for the exercise.
  2. As you light your sage or herbs, picture the rising smoke as a magnet for negativity. Visualize the smoke drawing in a visible darkness and clearing the way for beams of light. Begin in your room, then work your way downstairs.

    • It may help to use mantras while smudging. ‘I banish negativity from my home’ is one mantra that may work.
  3. Finish the exercise at the back door of your home. Open the door and visualize the negative energy in your home exiting out the door.
  4. Block this negative energy from reentering your home by hanging a protective amulet, such as the Hamsa, Evil Eye or a purifying stone (i.e., Clear Crystal Quartz) at the front and back doors.

Ward Off Negativity with Joyful Speech

When family members are frequently depressed, angry and unable to help themselves, don’t get caught up in their negativity –  try chanting a compassionate prayer or mantra to bring light into your loved one’s life. The positive energy released during this recitation will act as a healing influence on your home and as psychic protection from a loved one’s negative emotions.

Hematite Pendant

Hematite Pendant

Using Stones for Purification and Grounding

  • Clear crystal quartz is one of the best stones to use to eliminate negative energy from your home. This stone’s high vibrations free  trapped energy that needs to be released – it’s particularly helpful when you have suffered the loss of a loved one or if you or a family member have chronic illness. Place shards of the stone in the corners of each room in your home.
  • Snowflake Obsidian centers the mind and body while stabilizing energetic influences in your inner and external environments. Placing Snowflake Obsidian around your home will soothe energetic imbalances and filter out negative energy before it arises and gets trapped in your space.
  • Hematite is a grounding stone that will protect you against psychic vampires and the negative emotions of other people in your space. Are you going mad from difficult in-laws or a troublesome guest? Wear a Hematite pendant to recenter yourself and bring peace and good karma into your home, even in the presence of difficult relatives.

Drain Dark Energy with Plants

Flowers have healing properties that will liven up a dark space and boost your spirit. These tiny powerhouses of energy pack a strong punch in combatting negativity – plants are strong enough to filter out harmful influences without withering. Start a garden in your windowsill, or place a few potted plants around different rooms of your house. Draw open the curtains to feed your plants and bring warmth and light into your home.

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