Don’t Get Burned! 5 Warning Signs of Twin Flame Connections…

While romance isn’t my forte, a fortunate few couples in arguably real deal TF connections offered me some valuable insights in the effort to create this week’s series on Soul Mates and Twin Flames, including this brief on the Signs of Twin Flame Connections.
Before we begin, I must say this: these incarnations are rare in the physical realm, and the majority of the time when such meetings occur – it’s far too much to handle if even one partner is not on the right path to ascension. Sometimes, you must face that even though you met them, it may not be the time. So, don’t force, but never doubt it will happen. On to the goodness…and not so pleasantness of twin flame connections.
1. Bubble Love…One Step Beyond the Superficial
The Bubble pops fast, folks – so, if you want what I consider REAL twin flame (TF) signs beyond the bubble phase…TF’s share pieces of information already known to both. They may both sense a time/date of separation at incarnation or in another physical realm. They may reunite and tap back into each other at a similar time in their physical life that correlates to recognizable dates.
2. 12 Chakra System Activation & Merging of the 7 Bodies
Both parties in the union are templated with a partially or fully activated 12 Chakra System, and this coordination propels that of the etheric body meridian. In meeting, twin flames complete a Merging of the 7 Subtle Bodies – the physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, ethereal, astral, and celestial. (Some utilize the 5 bodies, merging the Higher Self components.)
These activations and merges often cause the bubble burst, can incite the runner phase, and often feels like karmatic punishment. It’s intended to help the union evolve into a templating that activates once-thought junk DNA to ensure the union’s success. Part of this process includes the clearing of family templates and genetic baggage.
3. Sharing All Positive & Negative Aspects and Talents
Remember, that twin flames aren’t intended to meet on the earthly plane, as one part of the soul typically assists the earthbound twin from higher realms. Twin flame connections often attain rapid ascension to the melding of their souls aka the Higher Self once the ‘remember’ they’ve been together in previous incarnations.
You’ll likely share many common goals and interests with your TF, after all, they are a direct mirror of yourself…and that’s where it gets tricky. And you can only imagine what being in a relationship with yourself can be like when all the worst in you is something you face in your partner…
4. Sex: Before and After Romantic Twin Flame Unions
Etheric Sexuality: Beyond the physical, twin flames – authentic ones – almost always report having sex in the etheric body before even meeting in the physical. This is necessary because the energy exchange with a genuine union in the physical would likely be too overwhelming, causing one or both to panic.
Lack of Limitations in Intimacy: From intimacy afar to getting adjusted and light flashes to massive energy pulses and multiple orgasms…twin flames claim that inhibitions in the physical realm can restrict access to the etheric body – and as mentioned – access to the 7 subtle bodies is essential with TF’s.
Burning Off Old Sexual Energy with the Physical: It is mutually understood by twin flames at incarnation that they will burn off any previous partners’ sexual energies upon their physical union. This occurs very quickly after the first sexual encounter, but may occur before the union in the etheric sexual realm.
Kundalini The Sexual Triad with the Higher Self: Twin flames have one Higher Self and with practice and development of that presence, it can be brought into the bedroom as a third party when the frequency and mood is appropriate. Most of these couples have the ability to engage Kundalini energy to participate in Tantric sex, as well. Abilities such as this keep the TF sex life interesting and give them something to strive for.
5. Abilities for Healing and Manifestation
These partners have high potential for exalted manifestation and healing abilities that will grow as their relationship prospers and falls into synchronicity and alignment with the union’s higher purpose. Many TF’s ultimately work together in healing careers.
Related Articles on Soul Mate and Twin Flame Connections
Straight Talk on Soul Mates and Twin Flame Unions
Understanding Soul Mate and Twin Flame Connections
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