Are You an Empath? Social Anxiety Could Be a Sign…

Social Anxiety

Accepting your role in a socially inclined world as an empath who picks up on others energies can be challenging. This is often particularly true for those on their ascension journey and seeking their path back to Source – a time when it’s essential to protect yourself from negative energies.

EmpathI say this as someone who once struggled intensely in social situations – even minor outings like picking up groceries had me feeling as though I was running a gauntlet filled with reject extras from a “Walking Dead” episode.

Some may say this just means I’m ‘highly sensitive’ and  they are right! However, evidence is mounting with studies indicating strong correlations between social anxieties and empath abilities. In other words, social anxiety doesn’t necessarily make you crazy, overly sensitive to daily life, or mean that you need a prescription – you just might need some empath sensitivity skills and tools to cope with anxiety.

Are You an Empath or an Empathic Being?

Before delving into the gist of what it means to be an empath or tips for coping with empath related anxiety…take the quick, fun, spam-free ‘Are You an Empath Quiz!’


Now that you have discovered your potential attunement as an empath – or lack thereof – learn more about what this means for you and how you can better handle social anxieties related to possessing this gift.

What Does it Mean to Be an Empath Versus Empathic?

empathic psychicEmpaths are typically described as those with elevated cognitive empathy tendencies who have a knack for tuning into other’s mental states with a sense of clairvoyance or energy reading.  Empathics may also be called HSPs, or highly sensitive persons, and they often seriously struggle in crowds to the point of panic attacks of having to leave the room. And yes, it is possible for certain persons to be a bit of both classifications!

Many empaths and empathic persons require special training to learn how to handle all the radiating energy fields they both consciously and unconsciously tap into and OUT OF certain social interactions. While a precious gift , these sensitivities can prove cumbersome without the right tools to understand, acknowledge, and control them.

Solutions You Can Implement NOW for Anxiety Relief

Empath related social anxiety is a burden that can be alleviated and often resolved with the right intentions and approaches. For those with extreme anxiety, you may want to obtain, train, and harness the protective energies of white light, healing stones and crystals for anxiety, or even use sacred geometry as tools to aid your journey along with the following strategies.

  1. Don’t attempt to be normal or fix yourself– this is only fighting universal intentions and there’s nothing wrong with you. And besides, who wants to be normal?
  2. Strive for a Stress Free Existence by choosing whose energies you surround and associate with – even online! (Especially online!)
  3. Avoid overwhelming yourself in work and home situations – even hobbies – and take proactive steps to cut ties with negativity and stressors. Replace with them new passions!
  4. Study your emphatic abilities, and learn to manage and control them under experienced guidance from a holistic healer, and perhaps learn to embrace your own energetic healing abilities.
  5. Listen to your conscious and subconscious – they don’t lie, only tell universal truths!

Personally, I seem to have reached a cross point between embracing my empath skills and still lacking in shielding abilities. In essence… a message from my Higher Self seems to be guiding me to accepting that a part of my own soul still needs assessing and healing. Are you an empath, and if so, do you struggle in social situations and what are your solutions?

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