Be Simple: 6 Philosophies For a Stress-Free Existence

In our fast-paced society, getting a breather is almost impossible — even when you are struggling for air. Today is the day to throw yourself a lifeline and recognize this simple truth: stress is created within the root of the mind. Believe it or not, you can re-frame your thinking and take back control from your stress. Infuse these 6 philosophies into your daily routine to achieve a blissful, stress-free life.
1: Release Your Control
Everything in the Universe has a natural order. By honoring this balance, you are one step closer to achieving a stress-free lifestyle. When you take excessive control over your life or the lives of others, you are creating an imbalance in your environment that may cause tension, irritability and damaged relationships. An overwhelming desire for control stems from an inability to trust yourself and your ability to face life’s challenges. Trusting yourself allows you to gain the confidence to have faith in others and accept the unknown. When you recognize the Universe’s powerful ability to realign what is out of order, the anxiety of yesterday will become a distant memory.
2: Appreciate the Simple Things
We live in a chaotic world filled with stress that we create. When we overemphasize the material, we lose touch with some of the simple, beautiful things life has to offer: observing nature, indulging in laughter, the joy of good food and connecting with loved ones, to name only a few. By reconnecting with life’s simple foundations, you will find your center and naturally attract abundance. Remove yourself from the ‘Matrix’ of unnecessary stress created by society — call an old friend, watch a comedy, take a walk and infuse love into the food you cook.
3: Observe the Long-term Horizon
When we are stressed, we may fail to observe the long-term horizon and focus instead on the chaos of the present moment. In order to combat anxiety, it is important to observe life on a long-term scale. Imagine yourself in this moment several years from now. Will you be the same person, struggling with the same stress? Taking a moment to consider the future will eliminate irrational thinking. Life evolves, and so will you — and your stress! Your struggle is temporary, and there is a solution.
4: Meditate on Prosperity
Visualization is key to manifestation. Money is a common source of stress, but simply meditating on prosperity can relieve unnecessary woes. Each day, take a moment to meditate on money as an energy — visualize your body as a magnet that attracts money to it! Worry is just as problematic as greed. Financial fears create an imbalance deep within the self, perpetuating the subconscious idea that money is abstract and powerful. Recognize money as an accessible energy that exists around you. Easing financial stress is as easy as meditating on the fact that you deserve the money you need.
5: Love Who You Are
The energy we release is returned to us in a mirror-like effect. If you find yourself stricken with low self-esteem, this negative energy is expelled into your environment and prevents you from getting the respect and happiness you deserve. Loving yourself yields a stress-free existence — imagine how simple life could be if you made peace with yourself! Encourage yourself with positive self-talk and take care of yourself – get enough sleep and decompress by doing activities you enjoy. Above all, never place conditions of happiness on ‘if’ statements. ‘If I lose 10 pounds, then I will be happy’ is an excellent example of a statement that can create unnecessary stress in your life.
6: Embrace the Change
When life throws us a curve ball, our first instinct may be to resist the change and cling to what is familiar. Ironically, this worsens stress — resisting change is akin to trying to push against a brick wall! The Universe brings us change as a gift, yet we see the gift of change as a problem or something to fear. When you embrace change in your life, your stress will diminish as you accept that everything must evolve in order to grow, including yourself. When you encounter feelings of anxiety about change, remember that even the most difficult of changes have an underlying gift.
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