Archive by Author

Health and Wholeness: Focusing on All Aspects of Your Family’s Health During COVID-19

Your Family’s Health

For well more than half a year now, the world has been living in the shadow of COVID-19 and if these last months have taught us anything, it is how precious and how fragile our health really is. As the autumn looms, and with no end to the pandemic insight, it’s more important than ever […]

How Colors Affect Mood and Which Ones to Choose to Create Peace and Tranquility

Colors Affect Mood

According to the American Psychological Association, stress is a big health issue in the U.S. As of 2007, nearly half of Americans suggested that their stress was increasing. Now, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is feared that mental health issues will be running rampant, especially without enough resources to properly help people […]

How Empaths Can Achieve a Better Work-Life Balance

Better Work-Life Balance

A work-life balance is important for everyone. It helps to improve mental health and can prevent burnout. Unfortunately, about 66% of employees in the U.S. don’t believe they have a good work-life balance. If you’re one of the 1-2% of the U.S. population who is an empath, finding a better work-life balance is even more […]