Archive by Author

Unexpected Sources of Stress and How to Alleviate Them


Everyone experiences stress. In fact, about 33% of people report feeling extreme stress in their everyday lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused stress statistics to skyrocket over the last two years, and the uncertainty our world seems to face on a regular basis doesn’t help matters, either. But, those “stress triggers” are easily recognizable.  They […]

Creating the Perfect Meditation Space


Meditation’s health benefits are well documented and wide-ranging. Regular meditation practices can reduce your blood pressure, help you manage preexisting health conditions like anxiety and sleep problems, and can help you move through life with a deeper sense of calm and self-awareness. Regular meditation practice also brings significant cognitive benefits. Research shows that those who […]

Activities to Boost Your Inner Wellness

Inner Wellness

According to the American Institute of Stress, 77% of people experience stress that impacts their physical health. Life has many external factors that can cause a strain on your inner wellness every day. Unfortunately, that can quickly cause issues for your physical and mental health, creating a vicious cycle of more stress, more worry, more […]

Keeping Positive and Productive Through A Virtual Education Era

Vrtual Education

Whether you’re a student or a teacher, education can be stressful and difficult. From managing tuition payments to unruly students, it can be hard to keep a positive and productive attitude. Add to these challenges a widespread virtual shift brought about by a global pandemic, and the results can be overwhelming.  But maintaining positivity and […]

Mindfulness Tips to Help with Body Positivity

Body Positivity

Mindfulness has become somewhat of a buzzword in recent years. It’s commonly used in the mental health sector, but because it’s so popular, it’s easy to disregard it as just another “fad” or technique that doesn’t work.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact, mindfulness has incredible benefits. It can help with anxiety, […]

Mindfulness and Meditation Practices That Can Help Alleviate Anxiety


There are some situations where everyone gets anxious. Taking tests, making big life-changing decisions, or having too much caffeine are pretty common triggers for most people. But when you start to experience extreme or extended anxiety, you’ll need to find some tools that will help you ground yourself, and bring you back to the present. […]