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Ancient Egypt Video: “The Revelations of the Pyramids of Giza”

Pyramids of Giza

How did the Egyptians build one of the strongest empires in early history? How were they adorned in jewels of the finest gold-plating and exquisitely sewn clothing while moving about the corridors of the pyramids, their homes, and other structures without torches of fire? How did the ancient Egyptians communicate across distances using wireless antennas? […]

Unleash Your Primal Spirit: Working with Power Animals

power animals

I truly enjoy spending time with my power animal. My silent friend and I walk, run, play, and dance as we move as one in our instinctually common habitats – strengthening our connection. The relationship between you and your Power Animal is typically a symbiotic one of kinship and shared traits. A strong bond allows […]

Gemstones – Mother Nature’s Natural Healers

Mother Nature

Ancient healers used precious and semi-precious gemstones for healing. Today’s alternative and holistic healers continue to use gemstones to treat the mind, body, and spirit. Following are descriptions of the unique healing properties held by many of Mother Nature’s natural healers. Amethyst – Healers value amethysts for their power to focus energy and treat blood and breathing disorders. Often, healers […]

Stone People – Mother Earth’s Record Holders

Stone People

Native American tribes believe that Stone People are Mother Earth’s record holders, but what are Stone People? People who don’t know the Language of the Stones mistake Stone People as common rocks. However, they’re more than that. Using their magnetic quality, these stones collect the energy on the planet’s surface and store it for later use. Native Americans use […]