Archive by Author

Quantum Stone Pendant True Story – Anne Goetz

Quantum Stone Pendant True Story – Anne Goetz

Because I’m always looking to hone and define the few talents in my possession, I ordered the tiger iron Quantum Stone pendant. According to the website, the tiger iron: Promotes vitality Aids in transitional periods and stress-reduction Fosters creativity Helps  tap into undiscovered talents and passions. A skeptic at heart, I was initially worried about […]

How Our Thoughts Affect Vibration

Thoughts Affect Vibration

Discover how to raise your vibration and frequency by claiming your power and learn how to be more conscious of choosing your thoughts to manifest what you truly want. Because it has been proven that everything is energy – including thoughts, words, and everything we consider tangible in the world – and energy is merely […]

Gemstones – Mother Nature’s Natural Healers

Mother Nature

Ancient healers used precious and semi-precious gemstones for healing. Today’s alternative and holistic healers continue to use gemstones to treat the mind, body, and spirit. Following are descriptions of the unique healing properties held by many of Mother Nature’s natural healers. Amethyst – Healers value amethysts for their power to focus energy and treat blood and breathing disorders. Often, healers […]

Stone People – Mother Earth’s Record Holders

Stone People

Native American tribes believe that Stone People are Mother Earth’s record holders, but what are Stone People? People who don’t know the Language of the Stones mistake Stone People as common rocks. However, they’re more than that. Using their magnetic quality, these stones collect the energy on the planet’s surface and store it for later use. Native Americans use […]