Find Yourself: Mantras for Self-Discovery, Freedom and Joy

Our world is constantly evolving and constantly demanding that we, as a society and as individuals, evolve with it. Finding love and living an authentic lifestyle have become secondary to achieving professional success and financial security. Many of us become so immersed in our daily routines that over time, we lose touch with ourselves and our dreams.
In order to heal, we must understand that drive, ambition and materialism can only take us so far before we suffer under the weight of emptiness, regardless of how successful we are by society’s standards. Even after achieving our goals, we may feel unsatisfied and continue to crave validation or material comforts to quiet an inner lack of self-acceptance and love. Where, then, can happiness be found?
As you embark on the soul’s journey to enlightenment, you will discover the greatest success you can attain is connecting with your higher self and integrating love into your life. ‘Happiness’ is not derived from the material, nor is it attainable only to a select few. Finding happiness is simple: when we release our obsessions over attaining the ‘perfect’ success and material security, we free our hearts and move closer to experiencing an authentic, joyful existence.
Why Recite Mantras? Mantras Guide Us to Love
By accessing the power of speech through mantras, you can re-frame your thinking to purify negativity with love. Mantras are simple yet powerful phrases that are continuously recited in order to provide a healing, stabilizing effect on the mind. The repetitious quality of mantras yield the potential to open doors to achieving love, happiness and meaningful accomplishments.
Anxiety, perfectionism, guilt and pessimism are common roadblocks to finding freedom from the ‘rat race’. The following mantras offers solutions to overcoming these barriers. Ideally, sit in a serene space and repeat each desired mantra at your preferred pace. Slow pacing will calm the heart and reduce anxiety. Fast pacing will provide an intense, regenerative effect that will increase your pulse and breathing; be aware of your energy levels during fast recitation.
1. Everything ends.
When you are overwhelmed by anxiety or believe you are ‘stuck’ in a situation, you must remember that everything ends. Life is composed of cycles; every negative cycle must occur for a positive cycle to begin. Even our most frustrating, terrible cycles will come to an end. A difficult situation is not a permanent barrier to any kind of happiness.
2: I am enough.
Perfectionism is a major roadblock to incorporating love and happiness into your life. Take a moment each day to remind yourself that you are enough. Who has told you that you are ‘not good enough’? Will punishing yourself bring love and prosperity? As you recite this mantra, look at yourself in the mirror–be your own best supporter. This mantra should be repeated to counteract negative self-talk.
3: My life is my own.
This is particularly helpful for those who feel obligated to take on the responsibilities of others, and for those who feel guilty for having their own needs. Only by honoring your true desires without being restricted by the unrealistic expectations of others will you ever truly find happiness. Every being is entitled to follow his unique path — excessive self-sacrifice will only create a harmful imbalance in your life and the lives of others.
4: Let love be my guide.
There is nothing as holistic and cleansing as integrating love as a guiding energy into your life. Give into the divine will of the Universe by releasing all negative thinking; when your mind and heart have opened, you will see joy unfold before your eyes. As you recite this mantra, imagine a warm, pink light wrapping around your body like a blanket, drawing out all darkness from your auric field.
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