A Root From The Eastern Cape Of South Africa Used For Dream Divination!
The Dream Diviners Root~ A Look Into A Sacred Root Used For Thousands Of Years

A Root From The Eastern Cape Of South Africa Used For Dream Divination!
Stressed out? Over worked? Have Anxiety? Let holy basil be your saving grace!
Dreams open us up to a path of mystery, pulling us in the direction of our life’s purpose. Every dream has a message, a wound that needs healing, guiding incite, a spark that is necessary for true personal evolution. If at all possible, we in our relationship to the dream, discover the hidden meanings, giving […]
Xhosa can help you cultivate your natural ability to Lucid Dream! It’s known to be a potent lucid dreaming aid that can help you get in better touch with your ancestral spirits and your dreamworld! From making dreams more vivid, improving your ability to remember your dreams and helping you get in contact with your guardian spirits, […]
Dream Herb can enhance your natural ability to Lucid Dream! If you want to maximize your dreaming potential the this potent herb is right up your dreaming alley! Having incredibly vivid dreams, improved ability to recall every detail, a deep sense of divinity and other powerful meaningful experiences can be attained through the use of […]
Yes that’s right there are herbs for lucid dreaming! and.. you can grow them yourself! First let’s look at what Lucid Dream Herbs are and then will look at which ones you’ll need to grow! Dream herbs are otherwise known as “oneirogens”. From the greek language “oneiros” to dream and “gen” to create. This word […]