8 Ways to Embrace An Attitude of Gratitude and Enjoy Greater Happiness

attitude of gratitude

Attitude of GratitudeIf your energy levels, vibrational output, and happiness levels are low, simply being more grateful can transform your life. According to numerous studies by psychologist Dr. Robert Emmons of UC Davis, expressing gratitude regularly can make one more hopeful, empathic, energetic, and happier overall. While there are countless publications and research studies showing the impacts of embracing your grateful self that you can explore, let’s delve into the various ways you can cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Tips for Boosting an Attitude of Gratitude in Daily Life

  1. Toss Labels Aside – Minds truly work when they are open and receptive. Avoid labeling things and people that you don’t understand as being ‘strange’ or ‘weird’ and open up your mind to higher levels of consciousness and receptivity. Try to be grateful for the differences that make each of the universe’s creations unique.
  2. Appreciate – Value and appreciate everything positive in your life to foster a higher resonating attitude of gratitude. While you might feel as though you don’t have enough money or good health, remember all of those who cannot even feed their families or who are taking their last breath. Consider redefining what you consider valuable enough to appreciate, and raise your vibrations in greater appreciation for what you have.
  3. Free Yourself of the Past – Beyond any lessons learned, there are not many physical or emotional benefits of clinging to the past. Being present in the ‘now’ is quickly gaining merit as a powerful manifestation tool in metaphysical circles. This moment – the now – is that you have and ever will have. While you should always have a vision for your future and prepare for it, living in the now is the only way those moments can come to fruition.
  4. Be Optimistic – If you begin viewing failures or those ‘two steps back’ as learning opportunities, you’ll promote feelings of optimism. Embracing the ‘never give up’ mentality is how you can begin to manifest your own reality and ultimately achieve the success you seek. Remember, no one can make you unhappy except you! Avoid lowering your vibrations with critical opinions and judgments about yourself or others.
  5. Be Kind – Being kind promotes the immediate release of serotonin, the mood hormone. Science shows that acts of kindness can make you feel better almost instantly and can assist in flushing out the toxins that cause depression and negative feelings about yourself and others. Beyond being kind to others, be kind to yourself to further embrace an attitude of gratitude.
  6. Forgive Yourself and Others – Wanting to be right all the time isn’t a novel concept – but it’s certainly a natural one for many. Past hurts, judgments, and stress foster that need to be right. However, letting go of those past feelings comes only through truly forgiving yourself and others. Hopefully, this will come along with action on number 3 – freeing yourself of the past. Once you can forgive yourself, you’ll have the mental clarity and acumen to see the benefits of forgiving others.
  7. Let Yourself Believe – Regardless of your faith – or lack thereof – people who believe in something out there tend to have higher levels of happiness and a greater attitude of gratitude. Consider connecting with Mother Nature or a universal power if religion isn’t your cup of tea. Learn how to meditate or take time to pray to further your connection with your chosen faith and enhance your state of gratitude.
  8. Take Care with Your Body –Your body is indeed your temple, and a fit body promotes a healthy mind – two reflections of one’s true level of happiness. Exercise secretes ‘happy’ hormones and improves your state of awareness, bringing you into an active state of consciousness in the present. Studies show that both meditation and exercise can soothe the mind and body, which can lead to a superior attitude of gratitude.


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