How Your Words and Thoughts Might Be Destroying You

Words and Thoughts

We have come to understand that everything in the universe – including human souls – are constantly vibrating energetic forces. This profound knowledge has empowered us with the knowledge that we have tremendous power over our physical and emotional wellbeing as well as our spiritual journey. We can travel outside our bodies, communicate and gain insight from celestial beings, and have unlimited potential to change our physical reality as we know it.

We know that essentially as a part of creation – we ourselves ARE co-creators/Gods/Goddesses with the power contribute to the collective conscious with either good or bad intentions…with the power to heal or do harm – not only to ourselves but to others. One of the most powerful tools that we have as enlightened souls are our words and thoughts. These can spew love or hate, well-wishes or malevolent intentions, they can enhance your life-force energy or deplete it.

This concept applies to words and thoughts aimed toward others or the Self, and often we use several common phrases that contain some very low-vibrational words. Without even realizing it, these seemingly harmless sayings contain words on what I call the ‘no-no list’ – meaning they are low-vibrational words that literally have the power to destroy any intentions you have as they stream through the universe as a part of the energy of the collective consciousness.

Words and Thoughts

Destructive Sayings that ‘Confuse’ the Universe

While you may pray, meditate daily, set intentions, and/or use affirmations and proclamations to manifest your reality, negative phrases like these can negate those positive energies and essentially confuse the universe – meaning your manifestation abilities (and your own personal energies) are lowered. Here are a few examples you might hear frequently in daily conversations.

I hate this stupid job…
Let’s kill some time…
I’m just dying to see it…
I’m so sorry…
That makes me crazy…
My back is killing me…
Will this misery every end?…
That made me so sad…
That poor thing!…
I must be losing my mind…
Life is Hell and then you die…
Over my dead body…
I’m so sick of this ____….
I feel like such an idiot…
That ___ is such a pain in the butt…

Note that in each of these phrases, there are specific, low-vibrational words that diminish your personal power and energy: stupid, kill, dying, sorry, crazy, misery, sad, poor, losing, sick, idiot, pain, etc. These words are destructive. They do not serve you. They don’t aid the collective, nor do the resonate well within your human body. In fact, words like these can actually make you sick, aggravate chronic illnesses, and lower your protective shield to a point that allows negative sentient energies to attack you.

Words and Thoughts

Once you align yourself with the ‘new consciousness’ paradigm, you will be able to ‘catch’ yourself when you slip up and use these phrases and reset your intention with a fresh affirmation to transmute that negative thoughts into a positive ones. You’ll discover a new vocabulary to express the loving light energy that you truly want to put out into the collective…and as you raise your vibrations, your own manifestation powers work in unison with the universe and your dreams begin to unfold.

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