Soul Mate Connections – How to Know When You’ve Found a Soul Mate

soul mate connections

You meet someone, fall in love, get married, and maybe even have children together. When you made this commitment, you likely thought your partner was your lifetime soul mate; however, if you part, you might be questioning your judgment. Were they your soul mate, will you ever find another one, and how will you know when you make soul mate connections in the future?

For starters, sure – your partner may have been a soul mate – but a transient one rather than a permanent one. Some soul mate connections only last for brief periods (even if for only the brief moments of a connecting glance!) while others may last a lifetime. Soul mates don’t necessarily have to involve physical intimacy; rather, soul mate connections are based upon strong emotional connections that may take place on a higher universal plane – one small aspect of how we have the potential to manifest our own reality.

10 Ways to Identify Soul Mate Connections

soul mate connections1. You Seem to Immediately ‘Get Each Other’

You just know that this person resonates with your energetic vibrations, spirit, and essence. Like the sappy movie line “You complete me,” just immediately comes to mind when you are in the presence of a soul mate connection. This relationship often exists between parent and child or best friends, but it’s the same kind of closeness you may have with a soul connection.

2. The Connection is Insanely Intense

They might be the couple that bickers a lot and refuse to break up. The couple that may seem all wrong for one another but they sustain anyway. These may indeed be soul mates; however, ones who need to find better ways to heal their internal problems to bond more as a couple. This intensity may be passionately good or seemingly bad, but it can be a sign of an equally intense connection on a deeper level.

3. You Just ‘Know’ They are a Soul Mate Connection

You might feel an inexplicable sense of intimacy with someone that you’ve just met – or only chatted with on the phone or online – and this can indicate soul mate potential. If it just feels right or destined to be…indeed, it could be!

4. Eye Connection is Natural

Making eye connection with another individual denotes a strong level of confidence and comfort. If you have a strong connection and level of trust with a spiritual soul connection, making eye contact will feel normal – and necessary.

5. You Have a Sense of Déjà Vu

It’s likely that most soul mate connections are made in a previous life, so you might get that feeling that ‘you’ve already been here and done that’ or a sense that you’ve met this person before – even if you haven’t in this lifetime.

6. Continual Mind Connections

Soul mate connections tend to make contact with you when you are thinking of them, right after you whisper their name, or when they need you (or vice versa) for support. These seemingly coincidental mental connections are a sure sign that there is something beyond a typical relationship going on.

7. Good Feelings, Good Vibes, and a Sense of Protection

Whether it be a person of the same or opposite sex, they might just make you feel all cozy and secure – even when they are far away. The mere thought of them, the sound of their voice, and their positive vibrations are always close when you most need them. In retrospect, a sure sign that you aren’t meant to be close is when they play on your insecurities and make you feel exposed.

8. Loving Their Flaws Becomes a Vital Part of the Connection

You may feel as though it’s just easier to accept this individual’s flaws and shortcomings than it is with others – a sure sign of soul mate connections.

9. It’s Now You and Them Versus the World

The ‘us against the world’ attitude is a commonality often shared between soul mate connections. If you feel willing to take on the toughest of challenges with another, you likely have a bond.

10. Life Just Wouldn’t Be the Same Without Your Vital Soul Connections

Walking away from a soul mate can seem impossible. If you cannot imagine your life without a particular person in it – and they meet several of these signs – strongly evaluate that connection before walking away from your partnership. However, if this is a transient soul connection, you might quickly identify when that ‘right time’ to let go is.

soul mate connectionsDon’t Limit Your Potential for Soul Mate Connections

Remember, you aren’t limited to one, two, or even three soul mates in your lifetime. Never give up on finding and securing these powerful soul mate connections with those you feel drawn to.

Have you seen these qualities in YOUR soul mate, past or present? Perhaps you’ve noticed other traits not included here? Feel free to share your knowledge with a comment!

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