What is Zero Point Perspective? Exploring the 3 Mental Bodies


The best way I have heard the Zero Point Perspective described came from a healer at retreat who compared the experience to being on a merry-go-round. When standing on the outer edge, you have to concentrate to hang on; however, when you place yourself at the center of the ride, it takes almost no effort, if any, to exist there – soaking in the 360-degree views all around you.

This point is the Zero Point, the exact center point that allows us to stay relaxed and centered regardless of how fast our world is spinning. Life challenges our balance – key to attaining this perspective – we are continually responding to outside stimulus in response to the quickening and ever-changing speed of life. Therein lays the question, “How can we achieve Zero Point Perspective in our lives?”

Zero Point PerspectiveThe Three Mental Bodies – Using the Mind as a Tool for Ascension

Mastering the mind – body connection is one of the greatest tools you have to discovering your true self, your essence as it was before your consciousness chose to incarnate in its current human avatar form. As a tool, the mind comprised of the three mental bodies uses imagery and thoughts that ultimately create quantum level blueprints. These blueprints are your manifestations of form and experience, so when the mental bodies are balanced, the mind runs under the consciousness of your higher, or True Self. When out of balance, the term ‘lost your mind’ becomes applicable as the mind is operating with no guidance of the True Self.

The Negative Mind is the Protective Mind

The negative mind serves to keep your expanded essence inside the physical body, or contained, as this vessel protects the form by ensuring it survives your experiences. The negative mind sees risks; hence it’s known as the Protective Mind and is the contractive essence of the mind. When underdeveloped, strong fears can arise as can poor judgment in life and relationships. Zero Point Perspective can only be attained when the negative mind is balanced and flowing with the other two mental bodies coherently.

Exploring the 3 Mental BodiesThe Positive Mind as the Projective Mind

The positive mind helps us express ourselves through our physical bodies, putting our essence out into the world and the universe. When out of balance, the positive mind can become overwhelmed with negativity, feel depressed, or make us feel like we’ve ‘lost our power.’ It can go into craving as it over expands, fueling addictions or resurfacing of old ones. As the expansive part of the mind, it seeks and sees the positive aspects in all situations, giving one a good sense of humor, open communication, and optimism. It is because the positive and negative minds are bombarded with incoming stimulus that makes the neutral mind so intrinsic to discovering the essence of Zero Point Perspective.

The Meditative Mind is Neutral

The mental body that holds the polarities in balance is the Neutral, or Meditative Mind – the balanced mind. This aspect recognizes that souls are contracted into physical form as well as expanded into everything and oneness. It harbors information from the other two mental bodies and is the decision maker from an objective stance. The Neutral Mind is your intuition and compassion, and when underdeveloped or imbalanced, one may have trouble seeing beyond their troubles and feel victimized.

Zero Point Perspective – You Already Have it…so Experience It

Achieving a sense of Zero Point Perspective takes time, practice, and true desire to see things for what they are. You must reach into your heart and mind, explore the aspects of your three mental bodies to discover how you can bring these better into balance. Mediation is an excellent practice for such exploration, and stones for meditation can elevate your quantum vibrational levels for even greater awareness of the Zero Point Perspective.


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