Self Love and Self Respect Opens Door to Empowerment

In these times of greater cosmic activity, enlightenment, and self awareness, it seems that more people – particularly youth – are becoming turned off by a lack of self respect and self love in others. Ladies showing too much skin are drawing more looks of disdain, and those once so appealing bad boys are only attractive from a distance. Sounds great! Problem is, there are still many out there who let ego get in the way, and we eagerly seek out love and respect before giving it to ourselves first.
Empowerment Authentication and Self Respect
It seems that many are stuck on stuck, expecting others to freely give us love and respect when we are still not aligned with our own heartfelt intentions well enough to love and respect ourselves. Going through life in such a vicious cycle fuels hurt and chronic disappointments when things don’t work out, allowing other’s egotistical expectations and desires to be placed onto others rather than themselves.
Aligning yourself with such individuals or lacking self love and respect yourself, sets you up into that cycle of victim consciousness that gives you a desire to ‘fix’ and ‘save’ others while giving up self happiness. Ever put your child’s, partner’s, or parent’s expectations, dreams, and ambitions ahead yours? This is just one form of disrespecting yourself…and ultimately you allow the negativity of energy vampires to tap into your energy stream. And honestly, should you ever have to sacrifice your heart and soul’s true desires for another person to love and respect you?
Self Love: Discover Your Own Worth and Empowerment
Those not aligned with their own true desires often demand that others do their job for them, projecting issues onto them, and seeking someone to fulfill their own egotistical needs. Once you discover and experience your own self empowerment you can more easily grow and become your true SELF. Only then, you can raise your vibrations and embrace your potential as a conscious co-creator or your own reality and future.
Empowerment and self love work hand in hand as you discover your higher self. Regardless of how much you ‘love’ someone, loving yourself must always come first if you want to get yourself out of a state of chaotic unknowns and sacrifices. When seeking self love you are forced to wash you hands of those old attitudes you learned when in the cycle while embracing you soul’s wisdom, power, and joy.
Taking Responsibility and Gaining Self Love and Respect
Whether it’s you or someone in your life that this post describes, understand there is a difference in wanting to change yourself or by helping another grow and prosper in this journey. In every action and effort we make, the intentions must be appropriately set, as you cannot DO the work of clearing out old wounds and discovering their love for them. Attempting to do so is essentially taking away their power – the polar opposite of the goal.
The best way we can truly help one another achieve their goal of true empowerment, self love, and self respect is to share your knowledge, reconnect with your true self, take time for periods of mediation, and be aware of the divine presence of each eternal being.
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