Five Ways to Restore Emotional Balance When the STUFF Hits the Fan

Emotional Balance

It can be somewhat challenging to stay calm when the never ending cycle of the universal powers that be seem to continually seem to try and knock you on your keister. However, we can only live the best life possible by rising up and weathering these challenges by turning the tables and kicking their butts. Here are five tips for tapping into your inner warrior and forging past the emotional tests of the human experience.

1. Stabilize Neural Oscillation with Controlled Deep Breathing

Deep breathing helps quickly reduce blood pressure that accompanies stress, and it encourages more organized neuronal oscillations in the brain—especially within regions related to emotions. In a 2017 study, participants using focused breathing while counting each breath showed greater brain activity on an EEG monitor than what is experience in a resting state.

This activity was present in a more organized pattern than normal and primarily affected areas related to emotion, awareness and memory. Make each deep breath really count by envisioning yourself inhaling in the goodness and releasing all the negativity upon exhalation. This helps recharge and restore the body with ‘cleansed’ oxygen.

2. Return to the Present Moment

Emotional BalanceWhen things go sideways it’s easy to get lost in the moment—the past moment, that is. It’s essential to help yourself return to the present where we can better accept what is and do so without judgement. Begin with deep breathing cycles and let yourself fall into a meditative state. Mindful meditation sessions need not be lengthy to effectively help one calm the mind and regain their state of consciousness in the present. Furthermore, science has shown that meditation can rewire stress responses in the brain, lower heart rates, boost immunity, and relieve cortisol-inducing stress reactions.

3. Be Mindful of What You are Manifesting

Quantum science experiments have proven the power of the observer, confirming the principles of energy and our own manifestation abilities as ‘observers’ and ‘participators’ in our lives. If you feel like you magnetically draw negative people or experiences into your life, consider the Laws of Attraction along with the observer principle. High vibrations and positive thoughts attract more of that goodness into your life, so acknowledge your own awesomeness, stay in the present moment and thing positive thoughts rather than limiting ones.

Emotional Balance

4. Pen It Out: Journaling

It’s important to remember that even penning angry words, fears, and feelings of sadness create an energetic resonance—albeit likely less so than verbal words—so be prepared to transition those silently written thoughts into something positive with words of gratuity. This emotional journal can transcend into a part two: a gratitude journal. Once you’ve vented in your journal, go beneath those words filled with the badness and write some goodness. If preferred to separate these thoughts, consider an independent journal for gratitude statements.

Gratitude journals keep us mindful that blessings lie hidden beneath even the toughest lessons. Note daily things, people, incidents and so on that you are appreciative for—even if it’s surviving through a tough day, a past dis’ease’, or the people who care for you…jot it down and give positivity a power boost.

5. Making the Cyclic Nature of Universal Energy Work for You

Emotional BalanceEinstein defined ‘insanity’ as doing the same things over and over and expecting the results to differ. With this concept in mind, it stands to reason that the universal powers that be may be attempting to ‘tell’ you something about the actions, thoughts and words that keep rising up in your human experience. More than karma effects your life—your current state and emotional energies play a large role in what you are manifesting in the present moment. Be accountable, use your journal, stay mindful and allow the cycle of universal forces to work in your favor.

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