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Shocking Video Explains How to Naturally Cure Cancer While Revealing the True Causes

Naturally Cure Cancer

The True Cause and Cure For Cancer—A MUST Watch Informative Video! This potentially life saving video delves into the facts and environmental conditions behind why cancer diagnoses have practically become commonplace—and at an ever-alarming rate among younger demographics of citizens in the United States and around the world. If you’re concerned about food toxins due […]

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Does More Than Keep the Doctor Away

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Even though apple cider vinegar has been used since 400 BC when Hippocrates proclaimed it to be a medicinal miracle, its use to promote wellness is just now starting to catch on outside of holistic circles. The Father of Medicine would mix it with honey as a prescription for his patients. However, just one ounce […]

What’s the Point of Acupuncture? Debunking 6 Myths About Acupuncture

Myths about Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used effectively as a holistic healing practice for thousands of years, however, this modality didn’t gain popularity in the US until the 70s. Interestingly enough, it was shortly after President Nixon’s trip to China, where one of his journalist companions used acupuncture to relieve post-surgical pain. It worked so well, the man […]

Goodbye Hot Flashes! Hello Natural Menopause Relief

Natural Menopause Relief

Does your family complain about the sub-zero temperatures in the house while you swear it’s hotter than high noon in Death Valley? Do they seem to tense up when you walk into the room wondering whether they’ll encounter the ‘normal’ or ‘psycho’ you? Do you wake up in sheets wetter than a cinema seat after […]

Ashwagandha – Nature’s Ahphrodesiac Alternative for Sexual Potency in Men and Women


Sexual intimacy is a vital aspect of maintaining romantic relationships, and unfortunately, that loving feeling can be a challenge during certain life stages or during times of depression. Menopausal women often lose sexual desire while men may find it challenging to rise to the occasion as they age or due to medication. Fortunately, nature has […]

High Vibe Lifestyle: How To Raise Your Vibration EVERY Day

High Vibe Lifestyle

Everybody is talking about raising their vibration. Whether it’s for health, or manifestation, or to fit in with the yoga studio crew — people are looking for a high vibe lifestyle. Of course, there are also some people looking to make some moolah off it with a Get Vibes High scheme.   People claim that […]

9 Herbal Teas and Supplements to Win at Weight Loss


If your weight loss journey has been marked by ups and downs, you’re not alone. Hormonal imbalances, pesticides in our food, and high levels of stress make it tough to keep off the pounds. Autoimmune diseases and chronic issues with our detoxification organs, like the liver and intestines, also affect body weight. If you’re doing […]