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Surprising Benefits of Keeping Healing Crystals in Your Car

Crystals in Your Car

Between 2013 and 2017, Google searches for crystal healing increased by 40%, and the search for crystal shops near me rose by 35%, according to Fast Company. For centuries, people have been using healing stones for their mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. In the modern world, crystals are popular among business elites and religious circles. Due […]

How to Spice Up Your Wardrobe with Natural Gemstone Jewelry

Natural Gemstone Jewelry

Amethyst is believed to offer emotional protection, while amber is said to fire up the libido. Natural gemstones provide so much more than possible healing powers, as their beauty makes them perfect fashion accessories. If you want to harness the mystical power of gemstones while also spicing up your wardrobe, these tips will help you to put […]

Naturally Reduce Pesticide Levels in the Body by 60% in ONE Week

Naturally Reduce Pesticide Levels

It should come as no surprise that the state of the average farmland’s soil is highly depleted of nutrients, nor is it a secret that the majority of farmers in the US grow Roundup pesticide-ready crops. Unless you have the ability to grow and harvest your own food on untainted land and strictly eat only […]

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Does More Than Keep the Doctor Away

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Even though apple cider vinegar has been used since 400 BC when Hippocrates proclaimed it to be a medicinal miracle, its use to promote wellness is just now starting to catch on outside of holistic circles. The Father of Medicine would mix it with honey as a prescription for his patients. However, just one ounce […]

Goodbye Hot Flashes! Hello Natural Menopause Relief

Natural Menopause Relief

Does your family complain about the sub-zero temperatures in the house while you swear it’s hotter than high noon in Death Valley? Do they seem to tense up when you walk into the room wondering whether they’ll encounter the ‘normal’ or ‘psycho’ you? Do you wake up in sheets wetter than a cinema seat after […]

How Gia’s Quantum Stone Amulet Affected Her As A Psychic And Energy Worker


Today we’re interviewing Gia al Qamar of NJ Tarot and NJ Medium. Madame Gia is a trusted Medium, Psychic, tarot reader, animal communicator, and Reiki Master living in Northern New Jersey. She found herself powerfully drawn to Quantum Stone’s website and, after much deliberation, she snapped up a Scarab Egyptian Amulet with healing Carnelian. It’s now […]

Video Explaining ‘What Your Birthstone Means, According to Science’

Birthstone Means

Did you know that the 12 astrologically—and now socially accepted—birthstone assignments didn’t originate as stones associated with your month of physical incarnation? Ancients originally considered and treated what we call birthstones as 12 distinct crystals and gems to be worn during specific months for rituals, healing, purification and protection. This short and to the point […]

Ashwagandha – Nature’s Ahphrodesiac Alternative for Sexual Potency in Men and Women


Sexual intimacy is a vital aspect of maintaining romantic relationships, and unfortunately, that loving feeling can be a challenge during certain life stages or during times of depression. Menopausal women often lose sexual desire while men may find it challenging to rise to the occasion as they age or due to medication. Fortunately, nature has […]

How To Turn Your Favorite Gemstones Into Healing Crystal Elixirs

Crystal Elixirs

If you’ve been playing around with crystals for a while, you’ve surely come to see the truth to all the rumored benefits. But if you’ve been wearing them or keeping them on a nightstand, that’s only the tip of the crystal iceberg. Crystals possess a powerful energy which can be imparted in so many different […]