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Can Cannabis Improve Meditation


Cannabidiol, or popularly known as CBD, is a cannabinoid compound present in the marijuana plant. Cannabis is gaining popularity for the last few years. It is legal in most parts of the United States. New York legalized Cannabis in 2014. Talking about therapy, it wouldn’t be wrong to mention that Yoga and meditation are bound […]

Can Sound Healing Help With Depression?

Sound Healing

It has long been known that music has a significant impact on our mood and emotions. In fact, even sad music can bring pleasure and comfort to some. But first… why do we listen to music? Regulate our mood and stress Achieve self-awareness Express social relatedness A psychological survey conducted this and shown that the […]

The Ultimate Guide To Balancing Your Chakras

Balancing Your Chakras

Self-care is one of the highest forms of love one can give to themselves. Chakras refer to the energy within the body, and often those chakras can feel closed. Opening those requires intention and reflection. Start learning more about each of the seven chakras, then start incorporating essential oils and self-care rituals to open the […]

Why Empaths need Energy Healing

Empaths need Energy Healing

Empathy is the ability to comprehend what another person is feeling in a particular situation. Empaths are people who possess a powerful sense of compassion and often get involved in the emotional life of others. However, that can be emotionally draining. In this article, you’ll find why empaths need energy healing as well as how […]

How Colors Affect Mood and Which Ones to Choose to Create Peace and Tranquility

Colors Affect Mood

According to the American Psychological Association, stress is a big health issue in the U.S. As of 2007, nearly half of Americans suggested that their stress was increasing. Now, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is feared that mental health issues will be running rampant, especially without enough resources to properly help people […]

4 Important Aspects of a Healthy Relationship That Are Just as Necessary as Love

Healthy Relationship

When we are in a relationship, there are many things that we wish to attain with our partners. But nothing seems to be more important than the love between us. While it may be true, some aspects are equally essential. If these elements are missing, your love can get affected, and your relationship might suffer. […]

Add Water For The Best Possible Spiritual Experience

Spiritual Experience

Astrologers tell us we are either already in the Age of Aquarius or entering it. According to a certain popular 1960s musical, this age will usher in a peaceful time of spiritual revelations. Whether that is happening yet is a possibility, but here is a certainty: Aquarius is the water bearer of the zodiac and […]