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Clear Quartz Healing Stones – The Crystal of Ultimate Power

clear quartz healing stones

Once believed by the ancients to be eternal ice sent by heavenly Gods, clear quartz also had early scientists puzzled. Until the late 1500s, many scholars thought that this lovely stone was fossilized ice. Today, we now know that clear quartz is a crystal and one of the most common and abundant elements on Earth. […]

Teal Swan’s Enlightening Video on Crystals as Living, Healing Stones


Explore crystal concepts beyond those of their mere physical dimensions and limitations – check out this incredible video by Teal Swan on crystals as living and healing stones. Thought provoking and informative, this clip explores beyond the typical idea of ‘what is alive’ to those of greater consciousness, awareness, and perceptions. Teal clearly explains how […]

The Rock of Unconditional Love: Rose Quartz Healing Stones & Crystals

rose quartz healing stones

Rose quartz is a powerful purification stone, a healing stone that offers a strong vibrational energy consisting of unadulterated love and light. This pure, protecting life-force surrounds the possessor with unconditional love – an essential component of healing heartbreaks, neglect, and resolving internal conflicts of the heart. Cleansing and opening the heart chakra with rose […]

Healing with Lapis Lazuli: Stone of the All-Seeing Egyptian Sky Goddess Isis

Lapis Lazuli

A powerful healing stone believed to impart awareness of the ancient knowledge and wisdom of the Egyptian Sky Goddess Isis, lapis lazuli is a high-vibrational stone with endless potential. The Egyptians utilized this stone in artwork, amulets, jewelry, and cosmetics; however, their use of it to portray the hair and adornments of the heavenly Goddess […]

Master Your Perceptions by Opening the Third Eye Chakra

opening the third eye chakra

The sixth layer of the seven major chakras and it is also commonly known as the brow or third eye chakra. This layer is considered the spiritual Vision Center and is located in the center of the forehead. Activating and opening this chakra of psychic power and intelligence is how one can become attune with […]

Hematite Healing Stones – Staying Grounded While Raising Your Vibrations

Hematite Healing Stones

Black hematite stones are one of the most popular healing stones. Superior for physical and emotional healing, they are exceptionally high-vibrational stones that resonate with all seven chakras. However, this stone is primarily associated for having the strongest affect on the Base Chakra and the Sacral Hara Chakra. Hematite healing stones and crystals boast a […]

What’s the Difference Between Chakras and Auras?

Auras are a Reflection

Energy healing experts often claim that they can see your auras and chakras, or perhaps just one or the other. Kirlian photography is a common method used to actually photograph one’s auras. Highly enlightened healers can often see the chakras, and identifying imbalances is an intuitive process, as well. So, what is the difference between […]

Basic Types of Meditation – Altering Consciousness for Universal Receptivity


We hear the phrases ‘zoning out’ or ‘chilling’ and pleas for someone to just ‘take me away from all this’ often not realizing that that’s exactly what meditation is and can do – without need from an outside party necessarily. In its inception, various types of meditation were centered around religious teachings, practices, and beliefs […]

How to Meditate, Part 2


In “How to Meditate, Part 1,” we learned what how to get started with meditation, what meditation is, and isn’t, when to meditate and for how long. We also learned about Quantum Stones, and how they can help to open our Chakras, which are the energy centers of our bodies. Let’s continue the process of […]