Tag Archives: Ascension

Cleansing the Heart Chakra from Depression and Anxiety

Heart Chakra

Considered our emotional center, the Heart Chakra allows us to experience love, joy and contentment. It’s also one of the most vulnerable points in the body, and as a result we may experience blockages of energy within this Chakra due to stress, broken relationships and traumatic life events. When the Heart Chakra becomes blocked, we […]

Living in the Now: Manifest Your Future by Raising Your Vibrations

Living in the now

In a society burdened with systematic conformity, it’s no surprise that many people get stuck in negativity, burning lots of energy uselessly while passing on negative vibes to others. We know them as Energy Vampires, and their perception of their negative ‘reality’ likely manifests from far beyond what’s currently rattling their chain – because they […]

The Illusion of Time and Other Lies Disempowering the Masses

Time and Other Lies Disempowering the Masses

While there are no disempowering intentions here…introductory paragraphs are often illusions designed to draw you in. That being said, for this piece, let’s just get to the good stuff. The Lie of Truth From childhood you are taught ‘truths’ by your parents who have already been through their own process of programming. It is only […]

5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Energy and Vibration


Raising your vibrations, raising your frequency – terms we hear more commonly in this time of universal enlightenment – the practice isn’t quite as complex as quantum physics like it may sound. In fact, you can increase your physical and spiritual energy and vibration fairly easily through many practices with a genuine focus and intentions […]

Yin and Yang Energies – Analyzing the Meaning of the Tao


Unless you’ve spent most of your life existing in one of the many alternate universes, you’ve likely seen more than one tattoo, T-shirt, sticker, or jewelry of the Yin and Yang symbol gracing a passerby. Living in Houston I see this all the time, and have found myself tempted (OK maybe I did go there) […]

How to Meditate, Part 1


Getting Started with Meditation There are a handful of ways to meditate, each of them derived from spiritual traditions. Within those traditions there are variations that are employed to suit the individual. But this all makes meditation sound more rigid and complicated than it is. For our purposes today, we will speak of classic Buddhist […]