Tag Archives: General

Jacqueline Ripstein Healing Art Awakens the Eyes to the Invisible

Jacqueline Ripstein

Since she was a little girl growing up in Mexico Jacqueline Ripstein had big dreams of transforming the world through art that reveals the ultimate truths of our Inner Light and that of the Creator. As an artist, writer, innovator, public speaker, and activist, she is truly a remarkable pioneer in the healing arts and […]

Using the Eye of Horus for Psychic Protection and Shadow Work

The Eye of Horus

For thousands of years, cultures around the world have been fascinated by eyes and bestowed them with magical properties. But what makes our eyes so intriguing? Eyes are a powerful symbol for uncovering hidden knowledge and one’s higher truth, and for this reason the eyes have been called the gateway to the soul. One of […]

Repel Psychic Vampires with Apache Tears

Apache Tears

Apache Tears is a magnificent crystal that’s both highly protective and soothing, and a must-have for any empath’s collection. As a crystal that provides both gentle grounding and psychic shielding, working with Apache Tears is an excellent way to keep negativity at bay. In this video, I describe how you can use Apache Tears to […]

Dream Herb~Calea Z. For Lucid Dreaming, Divination, and Deep Dream Work. – The Complete Guide


Dream Herb can enhance your natural ability to Lucid Dream! If you want to maximize your dreaming potential the this potent herb is right up your dreaming alley! Having incredibly vivid dreams, improved ability to recall every detail, a deep sense of divinity and other powerful meaningful experiences can be attained through the use of […]

Mending a Broken Heart with Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

If you’ve been struggling to heal your heart and recover your emotional equilibrium after a breakup or the loss of a loved one, Rose Quartz is the perfect crystal to add to your collection. In this video, I demonstrate how you can meditate with Rose Quartz to heal any heavy, painful emotions you’ve been struggling […]