Tag Archives: General

Finding Beauty, Self-Awareness and Growth in Disappointment


All of us have experienced that terrible sinking feeling that accompanies disappointment. It’s all too easy to fixate on things that don’t go our way and resent life for not giving us what we want. But finding freedom from disappointment is as easy as changing your perspective on what disappointment is and the purpose it’s […]

Using Amazonite to Heal Your Relationship With Your Emotions


Making peace with our emotions and being receptive to the feelings of others without being overwhelmed by them is challenging, but one that we can overcome by self-reflecting with Amazonite. Showing what we perceive as ‘weak’ emotions in front of other people, even those we care about most, can be intimidating. Taking someone else’s anger […]

You Absolutely Need Iodine!

You Absolutely Need Iodine

Medical textbooks contain several vital pieces of misinformation
 about the essential element Iodine, which may have caused
 more human misery and death than both world wars combined. Dr. Guy Abraham The present situation we find ourselves in demands that we quickly re-engineer not only mainstream allopathic medicine but all branches and alternatives. It has become increasingly clear […]

Surviving Twin Flame Relationships – 4 Tips for Mindfulness

Twin Flame Relationships

There’s nothing more surreal, ethereal, or divine than two harmonious lovers walking the journey together. Two cosmic flames reuniting physically on the earthly plane in search of Source, the Higher Self…to rediscover what is there all along but has been obscured by the human experience and its trials. Twin Flames and Soul Mates can meld […]

Stepping Out and into the Light

into the Light

Do you ever wonder why some people just seem to shine – inside and out? Whatever they have seems to glow from within. I like to call this their ‘inner light’. Not only does this light give them a youthful appearance, but everything about them seems lighter (pun intended), clearer and illuminated. I believe that […]

Xhosa Dream Root~ For Contacting Ancestor Spirits, Lucid Dreaming and Dream Recall. – The Complete Guide

Silene Capensis Xhosa Dream Root

Xhosa can help you cultivate your natural ability to Lucid Dream! It’s known to be a potent lucid dreaming aid that can help you get in better touch with your ancestral spirits and your dreamworld! From making dreams more vivid, improving your ability to remember your dreams and helping you get in contact with your guardian spirits, […]

The Great Arcanum – Kundalini and Twin Flames

Kundalini and Twin Flames

At the heart of every great mystical and religious tradition persists a secret, universal truth – The Great Arcanum (a great deep secret; mystery). Throughout history it has been expressly forbidden to reveal the secrets of The Great Arcanum to the public for it was a heresy (person who practiced or had knowledge of Hermetics). […]

Be True to Yourself – 4 Easy Steps for Balancing Energy Fields

balancing energy fields

When you think of energy balancing, the first things that may come to mind are tools like chakra stones, auric cleansing therapies, shielding jewelry, and regular meditation practices, so the relationship to being true to yourself and balancing energy fields may not be readily apparent. However, this is one of the easiest ways to quickly […]