Archive | Metaphysics

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Chakra Healing With The Seven Sacred Egyptian Oils of Saqqara

Egyptian Oils of Saqqara

Thirty kilometers south of modern-day Cairo sits an ancient burial ground in Saqqara. Home to the oldest stone complex historically known—Djoser’s Step Pyramid—and also home to what are believed to be the world’s oldest religious writings—The Pyramid Texts—Saqqara has been a sacred place for burials, rituals and ceremonies for over three thousand years. Amid the […]

Addiction and Empaths | The Sacrifice of Solicitude

Addiction and Empaths

Solicitude is an attitude of earnest concern or attention…and that’s an adequate description of what empaths exhibit for humans, the planet, the universal collective, and all things in the natural world. However, it doesn’t describe the hypersensitivity often associated with empathic tendencies, nor does it express the pain and suffering that is taken on by […]

Must-See Video: Tiger’s Eye – The Crystal of Radiant Success

Tiger's Eye

You may remember the song, ‘Eye of the Tiger,’ where the vocalist declares how empowered he is…how he’s ready to face any challenge. That golden oldie song must have some truth to it, at least according to this video’s narrator. If you’re interested in learning more about the vast physical and emotional benefits of Tiger’s […]

Could Musical Frequencies Have Healing Powers?

Musical Frequencies

The power of music goes back to the ancient history of humanity’s past. Whether it’s the message being sung, or the rhythm of it’s song, music is powerful. Anyone with ears has turned to music to reduce the symptoms of stress, but until recently, the effects of music have been passed off as some urban […]

Conspiracy : a secret plan to do unlawful or harmful things.


Our system is controlled by the same families that control our media, everything we consume, our energy companies, our pharmaceuticals, our controlled education and health services etc. The little top hatted man on the Monopoly board is Rothschild. Have you ever wondered why you have not accumulated immense wealth from all your ancestors? That is […]

Embracing the God Within Us

God Within

After penning the piece “Does Religion Matter?” my inbox was quickly filled with comments and questions that led to many thought-provoking subsequent conversations with respondents. The majority of comments came from those who believe that religion doesn’t really matter as much as the connection one feels with the God-presence, or the God within us all. […]

Reclaim Your Power, Health, & Life Purpose

Life Purpose

We are living in a time where many people are waking up to the fact that our world is rapidly changing. People are starting to question their very existence and what their purpose here is. This has spurred a major increase for Spiritual Awakening and reconnecting to our true authentic selves. People are now coming out into […]

The Great Arcanum – Kundalini and Twin Flames

Kundalini and Twin Flames

At the heart of every great mystical and religious tradition persists a secret, universal truth – The Great Arcanum (a great deep secret; mystery). Throughout history it has been expressly forbidden to reveal the secrets of The Great Arcanum to the public for it was a heresy (person who practiced or had knowledge of Hermetics). […]

Dream Herb~Calea Z. For Lucid Dreaming, Divination, and Deep Dream Work. – The Complete Guide


Dream Herb can enhance your natural ability to Lucid Dream! If you want to maximize your dreaming potential the this potent herb is right up your dreaming alley! Having incredibly vivid dreams, improved ability to recall every detail, a deep sense of divinity and other powerful meaningful experiences can be attained through the use of […]