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Gems from Coach Brenda – Enlightened by the Light


In anticipation of the amazing “strawberry” full moon and summer solstice, I found myself sitting outside mesmerized and pulled by the golden crimson fire in the sky.  The sunset was just as breathtaking as the golden glow of the moon. It reminded me of another gem in my treasure chest that I would like to […]

14 Scent-Sational Healing Essential Oils for Seraphic Stimulation

Essential Oils

Whether you communicate with a higher power, guardian angels, or other divine and celestial beings through prayer, meditation, altered states of consciousness, etc. I believe that we ALL have the ability to receive knowledge from beyond the three-dimensional realm. However, unless you are highly experienced, getting to that state of relaxation and balanced enough to […]

Be True to Yourself – 4 Easy Steps for Balancing Energy Fields

balancing energy fields

When you think of energy balancing, the first things that may come to mind are tools like chakra stones, auric cleansing therapies, shielding jewelry, and regular meditation practices, so the relationship to being true to yourself and balancing energy fields may not be readily apparent. However, this is one of the easiest ways to quickly […]

Repel Psychic Vampires with Apache Tears

Apache Tears

Apache Tears is a magnificent crystal that’s both highly protective and soothing, and a must-have for any empath’s collection. As a crystal that provides both gentle grounding and psychic shielding, working with Apache Tears is an excellent way to keep negativity at bay. In this video, I describe how you can use Apache Tears to […]

Mending a Broken Heart with Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

If you’ve been struggling to heal your heart and recover your emotional equilibrium after a breakup or the loss of a loved one, Rose Quartz is the perfect crystal to add to your collection. In this video, I demonstrate how you can meditate with Rose Quartz to heal any heavy, painful emotions you’ve been struggling […]

Eliminate Negative Energy with Pink Himalayan Salt

Salt Generated

As a powerful crystal for both psychic protection and cleansing dark energy, Pink Himalayan Salt is an affordable and easy-to-use solution for getting rid of heavy energy that’s weighing you down. In this exercise with Pink Himalayan Salt, I demonstrate how you can use the magnetic qualities of this stone to draw harmful energy from […]

Golden Tiger Eye Healing Stones – Terrific Companions for Gentle Recovery

Golden Tiger Eye

Bringing together the vibrational resonance of sand and sunlight, tiger eye healing stones synthesize the energy of the sun and the earth, encouraging both grounding with Gaia and the connection with the spiritual realm. Ranging in colors that include browns, warm golds, and blacks, these tiger eye healing stones resonate the energy of nature and […]

Alleviate Mental Chatter and Take Spiritual Flight with Healing Fluorite


Known as the ‘stone of discernment and aptitude’ fluorite is an all purpose healing crystals used to stabilize energies, balance the chakras, and to produce order within the physical, emotional, and spiritual systems — bringing order to chaos. These beautiful stones are said to protect the possessor from psychic energy attacks, negative vibrations, and are […]

4 Electrifyingly Easy EMF Protection Tips to Reduce Exposure

EMF Protection

As modern technology takes over our world, we are bombarded with damaging electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) – a silent, invisible but very real threat to our physical and emotional health. It can prove challenging to battle enemies we cannot see. However, technology isn’t going anywhere, and honestly, most of us would be lost without it! In […]

Getting Grounded: Transform Your Life with Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian

As an intuitive counselor, I’ve worked with individuals who have harbored self-destructive feelings and a fixation on the past. In my practice, I discovered that Black Obsidian, a special stone formed from cooled lava, helps us look within to see where we need to heal and what we’re running from. In my case, meditating with […]