Archive | January, 2015

Crystals and Your Pet: Gemstone Therapy for a Happy, Healthy Companion

Crystals and Your Pet

As pet owners, we develop special, sacred bonds with our animals and try to do all we can to ensure that they live healthy, happy lives. Like humans, animals have energetic fields that can be affected by illness, stress and negative conditions in their environment. Crystal therapy for pets is a holistic and revolutionary approach […]

New Year, New You: Crystals for Addiction, Positivity and Renewal

Crystals for Addiction

With 2015 rolling in, you may have already found yourself struggling to commit to achieving your resolutions for the new year. Crystals are the perfect solution to finding the energy, motivation and positivity to fulfill your new year’s resolutions–once and for all. The soothing, therapeutic energy that crystals offer will help you kick addictions, lose […]

Find Your Passion, Change Your Life: Fire Crystals

Fire Crystals

Are you stuck in a rut and seeking change? Do you have ambition and drive, but little direction? If so, Fire crystals are perfect for you. These vibrant, powerful crystals increase our passions, heighten our drives, and allow us to set realistic, promising goals. Fire is a masculine element and stimulates our Heart and Solar Plexus […]

Letting Go: Crystals Mend a Broken Heart

Broken Heart

When dealing with a difficult romantic relationship, you may struggle with feelings of depression, unexpressed anger, resentment or emotional trauma. Relationships that are abusive or co-dependent in nature drain large reserves of energy from the Heart and Sacral chakras and leave us exhausted. For spiritual, emotional and sexual healing, crystals provide a sense of grounding, […]

Crystal Healing: The Power of Gemstones in Psychic Readings

Crystals and Tarot

Crystals are a powerful tool that may be used to enhance and clarify tarot readings, strengthen your powers and build stronger connections with your clients. In order to select crystals that will provide healing, illumination and spiritual growth for your querent, you must take care to observe the unique benefits that different types of crystals […]

Emotional Vampire Confessions: How I Cut Off the Blood Supply

Emotional Vampire

Even with practice, I admit that I do still have moments where I find myself feeding off the energy of others – sucking away at their vital essence like a thirsty bloodsucker – but much less often. I couldn’t be too hard on myself for these inclinations, and neither can you. Every human that walks […]

Part II: Confessions of an Emotional Vampire in Healing

Emotional Vampire

Catch up with us by viewing Part I – Emotional Vampire Confessions: How I Identified & Cut Off the Blood Supply We’re talking about spreading positive energy and vibrations and banishing old programming that causes us to become energy vampires…Here’s the last two ways I identified myself as one and the ways I am triumphing […]