Archive by Author

Egyptian Crystal Magic: Healing with Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise and Carnelian

Egyptian Crystal Magic

Long before modern medicine, crystals and gemstones were used by healers to create potions and protective talismans that brought good health and fortune. Ancient Egyptians believed certain crystals could ward off nightmares, increase vitality and boost psychic potential. Three gemstones, in particular, were used to create a powerful triad for prosperity and protection: Lapis Lazuli, […]

Mercury Retrograde May 2015: Think Before You Speak

Mercury Retrograde May 2015

On May 18, Mercury turns Retrograde at 13.4 degrees Gemini. While it’s true that Mercury Retrograde has a reputation for being a troublemaker, this transit facilitates problem solving by bringing to light any underlying issues in our lives. Mercury in Gemini buzzes with mental energy, content to be in the sign that it rules; the Retrograde […]

Ophiuchus: 13th Zodiac Sign or Cosmic Celebrity?


Ophiuchus, also known as Serpentarius, shot to fame as the unofficial thirteenth sign of the Zodiac. For newcomers to astrology, understanding how Ophiuchus fits into the Zodiac wheel may be confusing, especially if your birthdate falls during the window of time that the “sign” rules ( November 29 to December 17). The question: should astrologers […]

The Law of Attraction: Finding Wealth and Spiritual Prosperity

Law of Attraction

Here’s a secret: a little daydreaming isn’t as bad as you think! Earlier, we discussed how the power of the spoken word can positively impacts our lives. Similarly, visualization is an excellent tool for achieving your goals, especially if you’re struggling with financial problems. The power of visualization circles back to the Law of Attraction, […]

Debunking the Aura: Gold, White, and Spirit Communication

Debunking the Aura

Unlike any other color, white resonates with the divine. We associate white with innocence, heaven, angels and prophets. And while it’s natural to assume that a white aura denotes pure energy, true white is one of the most harmful colors for the auric field. Some psychics believe that an aura that is truly white (without […]

Cleansing the Heart Chakra from Depression and Anxiety

Heart Chakra

Considered our emotional center, the Heart Chakra allows us to experience love, joy and contentment. It’s also one of the most vulnerable points in the body, and as a result we may experience blockages of energy within this Chakra due to stress, broken relationships and traumatic life events. When the Heart Chakra becomes blocked, we […]

Herbs and Gemstones for a Healthy, Stress-Free Vacation

Stress-Free Air Travel

We all know that even the best laid plans can be thrown off by poor flying conditions, jet lag, and other health-related nuisances that accompany travel. The easiest way to combat traveler’s ailments and make the most out of your vacation is by utilizing natural remedies and powerful crystals to keep your immune system up […]

Burning Sage to Cleanse Negative Energy

Burning Sage

In our latest article on psychic housekeeping, I discuss the benefits of using sage as an organic and affordable method to clear energetic clutter from your space.  Here, I demonstrate how you can perform a sage cleanse in your home in just 5 simple steps. Sage is an amazing tool to use to eliminate negative […]

9 Herbal Teas and Supplements to Win at Weight Loss


If your weight loss journey has been marked by ups and downs, you’re not alone. Hormonal imbalances, pesticides in our food, and high levels of stress make it tough to keep off the pounds. Autoimmune diseases and chronic issues with our detoxification organs, like the liver and intestines, also affect body weight. If you’re doing […]

Psychic Housekeeping: How To Banish Negativity From Your Space

Psychic Housekeeping

The time for spring cleaning is just around the corner – but throwing out old junk may not be enough for a fresh start. When negative psychic energy accumulates within your home, you may feel easily tired, emotionally imbalanced, and struggle with maintaining relationships or holding down a job without realizing why. The answer is […]