Could Musical Frequencies Have Healing Powers?

Musical Frequencies

The power of music goes back to the ancient history of humanity’s past. Whether it’s the message being sung, or the rhythm of it’s song, music is powerful. Anyone with ears has turned to music to reduce the symptoms of stress, but until recently, the effects of music have been passed off as some urban […]

The Eternal Root~ Top 5 Health Benefits Of Indian Sarsaparilla

Indian sarsaparilla hemidesmus indicus

This root has some amazing properties and has been used for thousands of years! Indian sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus) otherwise known as false sarsaparilla, sughandi root or the eternal root, is the Indian counterpart to American sarsaparilla (Smilax spp.). Used in a similar fashion to regular sarsaparilla, indian sarsaparilla has slightly different applications. It has a […]

Conspiracy : a secret plan to do unlawful or harmful things.


Our system is controlled by the same families that control our media, everything we consume, our energy companies, our pharmaceuticals, our controlled education and health services etc. The little top hatted man on the Monopoly board is Rothschild. Have you ever wondered why you have not accumulated immense wealth from all your ancestors? That is […]

Debunking the Myth that Opals are Bad Luck


Many Ancient Cultures used stones and crystals, and several believed  that opals were the result of a fiery conflict between the Storm God and the Rainbow God. Upon their clash, the rainbow was said to have broken and then rained upon the earth to give opals their iridescence and captivating hues…Wherever these beauties hailed from, […]

The Great Big Shift- Destruction and “Reset”

Great Big Shift

We are born from the womb into a mad world. Our whole life, we get programed through religion which has caused more deaths than all wars combined. Education, where they teach us just enough to feel like we know something, while being programed through scores and bells like we would train dogs. Lets not forget […]

Ancient Hidden Knowledge – What do Halos Really Represent?


Throughout history all of our libraries containing knowledge of the ancient world were destroyed but the secrets in the art that they left behind tell us another story. (”The Pyramid Code” documentary ) Our human history as we were taught is far from the truth. It is undeniable with new archaeological finds along with existing […]