Don’t ‘Dis’ Your ‘Appointment’ with the Higher Self: 5 Tips to Master the Soul

Higher Self

The Higher Self is the aspect of ourselves that many of us concentrate on becoming, and mastering The Soul is a part of the path to enlightenment. The Soul itself is a nurturing force that directly helps us become connected with our authentic, Higher Self that we ascribe to be. Here are some ways to […]

Ancient Egypt Video: “The Revelations of the Pyramids of Giza”

Pyramids of Giza

How did the Egyptians build one of the strongest empires in early history? How were they adorned in jewels of the finest gold-plating and exquisitely sewn clothing while moving about the corridors of the pyramids, their homes, and other structures without torches of fire? How did the ancient Egyptians communicate across distances using wireless antennas? […]

Understanding Soul Mate Connections and Twin Flames in Troubled Times

Soul Mate Connections

It seems that many folks have a somewhat unrealistic impression of what a soul mate or twin flame connection will or should be….with visions or expectations of an all encompassing ideal partner that grabs their hand, gives them a twirl or two, and then they walk away into a sunset on a picturesque evening. People […]

Straight Talk on Soul Mate Connections and Twin Flame Unions

Soul Mate Connections

After observing thousands of comments amid a half dozen Facebook groups revolving around twin flames, what I observed were a lot of individuals trying to force soul mate connections and twin flame unions. People feeling angry, hurt, depressed, sad, and rejected every time their so-called ‘twinny’ didn’t return their calls or forgot to tell them […]

Don’t Get Burned! 5 Warning Signs of Twin Flame Connections…

twin flame connections

While romance isn’t my forte, a fortunate few couples in arguably real deal TF connections offered me some valuable insights in the effort to create this week’s series on Soul Mates and Twin Flames, including this brief on the Signs of Twin Flame Connections. Before we begin, I must say this: these incarnations are rare […]

Cleansing the Heart Chakra from Depression and Anxiety

Heart Chakra

Considered our emotional center, the Heart Chakra allows us to experience love, joy and contentment. It’s also one of the most vulnerable points in the body, and as a result we may experience blockages of energy within this Chakra due to stress, broken relationships and traumatic life events. When the Heart Chakra becomes blocked, we […]

Unleash Your Primal Spirit: Working with Power Animals

power animals

I truly enjoy spending time with my power animal. My silent friend and I walk, run, play, and dance as we move as one in our instinctually common habitats – strengthening our connection. The relationship between you and your Power Animal is typically a symbiotic one of kinship and shared traits. A strong bond allows […]

Living in the Now: Manifest Your Future by Raising Your Vibrations

Living in the now

In a society burdened with systematic conformity, it’s no surprise that many people get stuck in negativity, burning lots of energy uselessly while passing on negative vibes to others. We know them as Energy Vampires, and their perception of their negative ‘reality’ likely manifests from far beyond what’s currently rattling their chain – because they […]

Herbs and Gemstones for a Healthy, Stress-Free Vacation

Stress-Free Air Travel

We all know that even the best laid plans can be thrown off by poor flying conditions, jet lag, and other health-related nuisances that accompany travel. The easiest way to combat traveler’s ailments and make the most out of your vacation is by utilizing natural remedies and powerful crystals to keep your immune system up […]