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Releasing pre-fixed ideas

pre-fixed ideas

Ever so often as we navigate this journey called life, we find ourselves at a place and point where we are caught up in labels, definitions and the related expectations around these. We get wildly mangled with these various aspects, using them to impose so much upon ourselves. We further succumb to the expectations of […]

Ways to Improve Your Spirituality


If you feel yourself stuck in terms of your spirituality, it may be a good idea to look into ways of becoming one with yourself. Sometimes, achieving spirituality is difficult due to factors such as obstructive thoughts and life experiences. Here are some tips to increase your spirituality and your self-awareness in general.  Meditation Meditation […]

5 Great Ways to Bring Peace and Calm to Your Home

Peace and Calm to Your Home

Life is stressful. Work and other responsibilities come every day often making you feel edgy or nervous. Because of this, our homes become a vital place to regroup, relax and unwind. Single or living with family, making our homes into an oasis to enjoy life and pursue our own interests during downtime is a goal […]

Clearing Negative Energy From Your Life And Home

Clearing Negative Energy

For more than a thousand years, people have been using healing crystals for their mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. More people than ever before are now turning to the healing and comforting power of crystals to help them navigate their way through the demands of modern life. Complimenting traditional medical practices, crystals and other stones have been long […]

What’s The Secret To Gifting Eco-Friendly Crystals?

Eco-Friendly Crystals

Crystals make excellent gifts for loved ones, but are they worth the environmental cost? Now that crystals have become a multi-billion dollar industry, the impact of crystal mining is getting more and more pronounced. While some crystals come from small-scale excavations that make little impact on the environment, many are byproducts of larger mining operations digging for […]

The Different Ways We Can Sense Crystal Energy

Crystal Energy

There’s no doubt that crystals and precious gemstones possess incredible energy. With the ability to emit vibrations which resonate with our bodies at a cosmic and material level, crystals have proven their worth beyond what’s considered mystic. Modern electronics and data storage owe it to the awesome power of crystals for their very existence. A vast wealth […]

Living a Dynamic Life Through Spiritual Vibrations

Spiritual Vibrations

In the same way that musical tones are easily audible and quickly distinguishable to the trained ear, spiritual tones give off a specific vibration and can be heard and sensed by the trained listener. When properly used, these vibrations can be utilized to alter states of consciousness, in exactly the same way that different music […]