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The Law of Attraction: Finding Wealth and Spiritual Prosperity

Law of Attraction

Here’s a secret: a little daydreaming isn’t as bad as you think! Earlier, we discussed how the power of the spoken word can positively impacts our lives. Similarly, visualization is an excellent tool for achieving your goals, especially if you’re struggling with financial problems. The power of visualization circles back to the Law of Attraction, […]

Don’t ‘Dis’ Your ‘Appointment’ with the Higher Self: 5 Tips to Master the Soul

Higher Self

The Higher Self is the aspect of ourselves that many of us concentrate on becoming, and mastering The Soul is a part of the path to enlightenment. The Soul itself is a nurturing force that directly helps us become connected with our authentic, Higher Self that we ascribe to be. Here are some ways to […]

Cleansing the Heart Chakra from Depression and Anxiety

Heart Chakra

Considered our emotional center, the Heart Chakra allows us to experience love, joy and contentment. It’s also one of the most vulnerable points in the body, and as a result we may experience blockages of energy within this Chakra due to stress, broken relationships and traumatic life events. When the Heart Chakra becomes blocked, we […]

Living in the Now: Manifest Your Future by Raising Your Vibrations

Living in the now

In a society burdened with systematic conformity, it’s no surprise that many people get stuck in negativity, burning lots of energy uselessly while passing on negative vibes to others. We know them as Energy Vampires, and their perception of their negative ‘reality’ likely manifests from far beyond what’s currently rattling their chain – because they […]

9 Herbal Teas and Supplements to Win at Weight Loss


If your weight loss journey has been marked by ups and downs, you’re not alone. Hormonal imbalances, pesticides in our food, and high levels of stress make it tough to keep off the pounds. Autoimmune diseases and chronic issues with our detoxification organs, like the liver and intestines, also affect body weight. If you’re doing […]

Be Simple: 6 Philosophies For a Stress-Free Existence


In our fast-paced society, getting a breather is almost impossible — even when you are struggling for air. Today is the day to throw yourself a lifeline and recognize this simple truth: stress is created within the root of the mind. Believe it or not, you can re-frame your thinking and take back control from […]

Emotional Vampire Confessions: How I Cut Off the Blood Supply

Emotional Vampire

Even with practice, I admit that I do still have moments where I find myself feeding off the energy of others – sucking away at their vital essence like a thirsty bloodsucker – but much less often. I couldn’t be too hard on myself for these inclinations, and neither can you. Every human that walks […]