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Understanding Soul Mate Connections and Twin Flames in Troubled Times

Soul Mate Connections

It seems that many folks have a somewhat unrealistic impression of what a soul mate or twin flame connection will or should be….with visions or expectations of an all encompassing ideal partner that grabs their hand, gives them a twirl or two, and then they walk away into a sunset on a picturesque evening. People […]

Burning Sage to Cleanse Negative Energy

Burning Sage

In our latest article on psychic housekeeping, I discuss the benefits of using sage as an organic and affordable method to clear energetic clutter from your space.  Here, I demonstrate how you can perform a sage cleanse in your home in just 5 simple steps. Sage is an amazing tool to use to eliminate negative […]

The Power and Meaning of Colors: Exploring the Rainbow of Life

meaning of colors

Everything emanates from white light – including the rainbow of colors we perceive all around us. The sun emits light of various wavelengths and frequencies, which our eyes translate as the visible color spectrum. Color rays are energy and each color carries a different wavelength. The amount of energy in a light wave is related […]

Psychic Housekeeping: How To Banish Negativity From Your Space

Psychic Housekeeping

The time for spring cleaning is just around the corner – but throwing out old junk may not be enough for a fresh start. When negative psychic energy accumulates within your home, you may feel easily tired, emotionally imbalanced, and struggle with maintaining relationships or holding down a job without realizing why. The answer is […]

Are You an Empath? Social Anxiety Could Be a Sign…

Social Anxiety

Accepting your role in a socially inclined world as an empath who picks up on others energies can be challenging. This is often particularly true for those on their ascension journey and seeking their path back to Source – a time when it’s essential to protect yourself from negative energies. I say this as someone […]

It Came From Outer Space! Moldavite and Starseed DNA Activation

Starseeds and Extraterrestrials

Starseeds, or ‘Star People’, are extraordinary beings DNA from neighboring galaxies. By no coincidence, self-reported Starseeds have increased in the last 50 years. Starseeds come to Earth to spread their healing gifts, and our planet is in a growing state of crisis. But the Starseed must reawaken to his astral roots before he can make […]

7 Sensational Herbs for Dream Recollection, Flying, & Spirit Communication

Dream Recollection

Our sleep offers a chance to temporarily free our selves from the physical reality that our body seems to constrain us to during the waking hours. That period of slumber is where dreams can come true, where we can escape physical grounding and have the ability to literally fly, travel anywhere we choose, and communicate […]

Crystals and Your Pet: Gemstone Therapy for a Happy, Healthy Companion

Crystals and Your Pet

As pet owners, we develop special, sacred bonds with our animals and try to do all we can to ensure that they live healthy, happy lives. Like humans, animals have energetic fields that can be affected by illness, stress and negative conditions in their environment. Crystal therapy for pets is a holistic and revolutionary approach […]

New Year, New You: Crystals for Addiction, Positivity and Renewal

Crystals for Addiction

With 2015 rolling in, you may have already found yourself struggling to commit to achieving your resolutions for the new year. Crystals are the perfect solution to finding the energy, motivation and positivity to fulfill your new year’s resolutions–once and for all. The soothing, therapeutic energy that crystals offer will help you kick addictions, lose […]

Find Your Passion, Change Your Life: Fire Crystals

Fire Crystals

Are you stuck in a rut and seeking change? Do you have ambition and drive, but little direction? If so, Fire crystals are perfect for you. These vibrant, powerful crystals increase our passions, heighten our drives, and allow us to set realistic, promising goals. Fire is a masculine element and stimulates our Heart and Solar Plexus […]