Tag Archives: Spirituality

New Year, New You: Crystals for Addiction, Positivity and Renewal

Crystals for Addiction

With 2015 rolling in, you may have already found yourself struggling to commit to achieving your resolutions for the new year. Crystals are the perfect solution to finding the energy, motivation and positivity to fulfill your new year’s resolutions–once and for all. The soothing, therapeutic energy that crystals offer will help you kick addictions, lose […]

Crystal Healing: The Power of Gemstones in Psychic Readings

Crystals and Tarot

Crystals are a powerful tool that may be used to enhance and clarify tarot readings, strengthen your powers and build stronger connections with your clients. In order to select crystals that will provide healing, illumination and spiritual growth for your querent, you must take care to observe the unique benefits that different types of crystals […]

The Unity of All Things

The Unity of All Things

I blogged several months ago about “the unity of all things.” It probably will continue to be a recurrent theme in my life as I see…and feel…its truth in the whole of my life. And, with my heart being more open now, I have intuitive knowledge that I was intently conscious of this unity very […]

Fast Facts About Stones and Crystals: The Crystal Movie

The Crystal Movie

Narrated by a fast-talking animated crystal, “Spirit Science 13 – The Crystal Movie” is easy to follow, but you might have to back it up a time or two due to its fast pace. However, that being said, this half-hour gem is packed with valuable information ranging from the history of living crystals, their seemingly […]

5 Ancient Interpretations for The Meaning of the Tree of Life

Tree of Life

The essence and meaning of the Tree of Life in many modern interpretations is believed to connect all forms of creation. The image is widely thought to represent the Devine Creator, and it is revered as the representation of the interconnectedness of all sentient beings. Today’s interpretation is an excellent summation of the various mythical […]

The Meaning of Namaste: Many Translations, One Universal Intention

Meaning of Namaste

Regardless of culture, humans seem to have a universal need to greet one another upon meeting and parting. Bowing in Japan, hand-clapping variations in African countries, and saying hello and shaking hands or hugging in English cultures – are just a few of the most commonly known salutations. While customs and traditions vary, there does […]

Teal Swan’s Enlightening Video on Crystals as Living, Healing Stones


Explore crystal concepts beyond those of their mere physical dimensions and limitations – check out this incredible video by Teal Swan on crystals as living and healing stones. Thought provoking and informative, this clip explores beyond the typical idea of ‘what is alive’ to those of greater consciousness, awareness, and perceptions. Teal clearly explains how […]