Tag Archives: Spirituality

What’s the 4-1-1 on Hypnosis? Exploring this Life Changing Technique


Hypnosis is a brainwashing scheme used to make people quack like ducks or turn them into the next ‘Manchurian Candidate’ or cause them to become totally ‘careless’ about their jobs such as what happens in the movie ‘Office Space’…Hypnosis is hogwash and doesn’t do anything…Hypnosis is dangerous and your mind can become stuck in such […]

Love Without Limits: Surpassing Divisions of Politics, Gender, Religion and Race

Love Without Limits

It’s being said that the United States has never been as divided as is it is today. While some could care less about politics, many are struggling to find the light amid what many say seems comparable to revisiting the dark ages. Same sex couples live in fear of their marriage vows becoming null and […]

How Gia’s Quantum Stone Amulet Affected Her As A Psychic And Energy Worker


Today we’re interviewing Gia al Qamar of NJ Tarot and NJ Medium. Madame Gia is a trusted Medium, Psychic, tarot reader, animal communicator, and Reiki Master living in Northern New Jersey. She found herself powerfully drawn to Quantum Stone’s website and, after much deliberation, she snapped up a Scarab Egyptian Amulet with healing Carnelian. It’s now […]

9 Signs of Spiritual Awakening – Watch the Video & See if You’re Awakened!

Spiritual Awakening

If you’ve ever had an ‘ah ha’ moment where suddenly one day where the idea hit you like a big bang: ‘Hey, I’m suddenly feeling more awakened, aware, and in tune with the collective and all of nature.’ –then you’ve got to see this quick video. Clever graphics, accurate information and a narrator with a […]

How To Turn Your Favorite Gemstones Into Healing Crystal Elixirs

Crystal Elixirs

If you’ve been playing around with crystals for a while, you’ve surely come to see the truth to all the rumored benefits. But if you’ve been wearing them or keeping them on a nightstand, that’s only the tip of the crystal iceberg. Crystals possess a powerful energy which can be imparted in so many different […]

High Vibe Lifestyle: How To Raise Your Vibration EVERY Day

High Vibe Lifestyle

Everybody is talking about raising their vibration. Whether it’s for health, or manifestation, or to fit in with the yoga studio crew — people are looking for a high vibe lifestyle. Of course, there are also some people looking to make some moolah off it with a Get Vibes High scheme.   People claim that […]

Could Musical Frequencies Have Healing Powers?

Musical Frequencies

The power of music goes back to the ancient history of humanity’s past. Whether it’s the message being sung, or the rhythm of it’s song, music is powerful. Anyone with ears has turned to music to reduce the symptoms of stress, but until recently, the effects of music have been passed off as some urban […]

Debunking the Myth that Opals are Bad Luck


Many Ancient Cultures used stones and crystals, and several believed  that opals were the result of a fiery conflict between the Storm God and the Rainbow God. Upon their clash, the rainbow was said to have broken and then rained upon the earth to give opals their iridescence and captivating hues…Wherever these beauties hailed from, […]

Ancient Hidden Knowledge – What do Halos Really Represent?


Throughout history all of our libraries containing knowledge of the ancient world were destroyed but the secrets in the art that they left behind tell us another story. (”The Pyramid Code” documentary ) Our human history as we were taught is far from the truth. It is undeniable with new archaeological finds along with existing […]