Archive by Author

The Power and Meaning of Colors: Exploring the Rainbow of Life

meaning of colors

Everything emanates from white light – including the rainbow of colors we perceive all around us. The sun emits light of various wavelengths and frequencies, which our eyes translate as the visible color spectrum. Color rays are energy and each color carries a different wavelength. The amount of energy in a light wave is related […]

Are You an Empath? Social Anxiety Could Be a Sign…

Social Anxiety

Accepting your role in a socially inclined world as an empath who picks up on others energies can be challenging. This is often particularly true for those on their ascension journey and seeking their path back to Source – a time when it’s essential to protect yourself from negative energies. I say this as someone […]

Exploring the Heart Chakra – What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Heart Chakra

Ever notice how some people are amazingly able to give and take love equally while others seem to only take, take, take and some just give love until they are drained like a lone coconut on a desert island with a dozen castaways? Finding that middle ground and becoming one who excels at both giving […]

The Solar Plexus Chakra: Clearing the Third Chakra to Reclaim Identity, Passion, & Receptivity

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra, or third chakra, is what allows one to really know themselves, as it is considered to dominate ones sense of ego, identity, strength, anger, and be the motivational center. This chakra is essentially believed to be the essence of one’s Will. Although this field is associated with the element of fire […]

Six Stress-busting Stones and Crystals for Anxiety Relief

stones and crystals for anxiety

Feelings of self doubt, bouts of cold sweats that resemble a spontaneous flu, and the urge to run from unexpected situations faster than a little kid holding a baseball bat outside of a broken window…most people experience such feelings at some point. Yet, those who suffer from daily anxiety are at higher risk for stress […]

Energize Water, Eradicate EMFs, and Harmonize the Body with Shungite

Shungite Pyramids

In the farthest reaches of northern Russia lies an ancient source of health and wellness in Karelia, and beyond meteorites, it’s the worlds only known source of natural shungite. With an extremely high carbon and fullerene content known only to be present in cosmic material, many believe that the healing benefits of shungite are truly […]

Lucid Dreaming Stones and Crystals: Conduits to Wisdom in Sleep

Lucid Dreaming

‘Lucidity’ is a word that basically can be summed up as ‘awareness.’ In the realm of dreaming, lucid dreaming states are ones that you are aware of…unfortunately, many times that we are aware that we had the MOST amazing dream, but those memories can be elusive, slippery things. Meditating with dreaming stones and crystals before […]

7 Sensational Herbs for Dream Recollection, Flying, & Spirit Communication

Dream Recollection

Our sleep offers a chance to temporarily free our selves from the physical reality that our body seems to constrain us to during the waking hours. That period of slumber is where dreams can come true, where we can escape physical grounding and have the ability to literally fly, travel anywhere we choose, and communicate […]

Emotional Vampire Confessions: How I Cut Off the Blood Supply

Emotional Vampire

Even with practice, I admit that I do still have moments where I find myself feeding off the energy of others – sucking away at their vital essence like a thirsty bloodsucker – but much less often. I couldn’t be too hard on myself for these inclinations, and neither can you. Every human that walks […]