Tag Archives: General

Banishing Negativity: The Power of Protective Crystals

Protective Crystals

Energy is our most valuable defense on this planet. But, most people are unaware of how significant energy is and how damaging the effects of losing energy can be. For years, I was one of those people: highly sensitive, but completely unaware of why spending time around people in my life who were jealous, angry […]

Everyday Shamanism: Accessing the Healer Within


Several years ago, I never would have dreamed of calling myself a Shaman. But, after incorporating principles of shamanism into my daily routine, I’ve experienced how just about anyone can be a Shaman. After dealing with emotional trauma connected to illnesses and broken relationships, I looked into alternative healing methods in order to cleanse myself […]

Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio 2015: Revisiting the Underworld 

Saturn Retrograde

Saturn’s final retrograde crusade through Scorpio this summer will be potent and highly transformative — but only if we’re willing to finally accept the Old Taskmaster’s lessons on all things Plutonian, once and for all. Saturn traveled into Sagittarius on December 24, 2015. After trudging through the dark waters of Scorpio, Saturn seemed pleased that […]

The Empath’s Dating Survival Guide: 5 Tips for a Healthy Relationship

Healthy Relationship

For empaths, dating can be filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows. If you’re an empath, you’re already aware of how being an antennae for others’ feelings isn’t always easy, especially in romantic relationships. The chances of being an empath are high if you experience social anxiety and just seem to ‘know’ what others […]

Celtic Symbols – Detangling Celtic Knots and Unwinding Spirals

Celtic Symbols

While we may never be sure why some Celts apparently preferred to battle in the buff, we do know that they considered symbolism to be of great importance both in the physical and spiritual realms. Today, their contribution to symbolism is alive and prospering in many forms including artwork, architectural adornments, and jewelry. However, the […]

Healing Crystals and Stones are Merely Tools…You Create the Magic

Healing Crystals

My first healing stone with quantum infusion was a gift. It was freely given with a loving, generous heart and it arrived filled with glorious intentions and acceptance of my being. It was given in a gesture to aid my healing journey, and it was well received, wanted, and graciously accepted. In other words, love […]

Triskelion: A Symbol of Personal Growth, Spiritual Expansion and Development


We may never really know what the mighty Celts had in mind when they designed the triskelion…However, the Greeks translate triskelion as ‘three-legged” which seems appropriate for this triple spiral symbol…and when you think of legs, motion comes to mind. It is with these principles combined with the spiritual beliefs of the Celtics people that […]

Egyptian Crystal Magic: Healing with Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise and Carnelian

Egyptian Crystal Magic

Long before modern medicine, crystals and gemstones were used by healers to create potions and protective talismans that brought good health and fortune. Ancient Egyptians believed certain crystals could ward off nightmares, increase vitality and boost psychic potential. Three gemstones, in particular, were used to create a powerful triad for prosperity and protection: Lapis Lazuli, […]

Signs and Traits of Lightworkers: Earthbound Energy Healers


Lightworkers are those who ‘shed love and light’ on shadowy topics and dark situations like fear, doubts, worries, and other troubling issues. (These issues may arise though the aid of a shadow worker, but many lightworkers can also work in the shadows – another topic for another time.) They have an uncanny ability to connect […]