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Ophiuchus: 13th Zodiac Sign or Cosmic Celebrity?


Ophiuchus, also known as Serpentarius, shot to fame as the unofficial thirteenth sign of the Zodiac. For newcomers to astrology, understanding how Ophiuchus fits into the Zodiac wheel may be confusing, especially if your birthdate falls during the window of time that the “sign” rules ( November 29 to December 17). The question: should astrologers […]

Don’t ‘Dis’ Your ‘Appointment’ with the Higher Self: 5 Tips to Master the Soul

Higher Self

The Higher Self is the aspect of ourselves that many of us concentrate on becoming, and mastering The Soul is a part of the path to enlightenment. The Soul itself is a nurturing force that directly helps us become connected with our authentic, Higher Self that we ascribe to be. Here are some ways to […]

Understanding Soul Mate Connections and Twin Flames in Troubled Times

Soul Mate Connections

It seems that many folks have a somewhat unrealistic impression of what a soul mate or twin flame connection will or should be….with visions or expectations of an all encompassing ideal partner that grabs their hand, gives them a twirl or two, and then they walk away into a sunset on a picturesque evening. People […]

Don’t Get Burned! 5 Warning Signs of Twin Flame Connections…

twin flame connections

While romance isn’t my forte, a fortunate few couples in arguably real deal TF connections offered me some valuable insights in the effort to create this week’s series on Soul Mates and Twin Flames, including this brief on the Signs of Twin Flame Connections. Before we begin, I must say this: these incarnations are rare […]

Living in the Now: Manifest Your Future by Raising Your Vibrations

Living in the now

In a society burdened with systematic conformity, it’s no surprise that many people get stuck in negativity, burning lots of energy uselessly while passing on negative vibes to others. We know them as Energy Vampires, and their perception of their negative ‘reality’ likely manifests from far beyond what’s currently rattling their chain – because they […]

The Illusion of Time and Other Lies Disempowering the Masses

Time and Other Lies Disempowering the Masses

While there are no disempowering intentions here…introductory paragraphs are often illusions designed to draw you in. That being said, for this piece, let’s just get to the good stuff. The Lie of Truth From childhood you are taught ‘truths’ by your parents who have already been through their own process of programming. It is only […]

It Came From Outer Space! Moldavite and Starseed DNA Activation

Starseeds and Extraterrestrials

Starseeds, or ‘Star People’, are extraordinary beings DNA from neighboring galaxies. By no coincidence, self-reported Starseeds have increased in the last 50 years. Starseeds come to Earth to spread their healing gifts, and our planet is in a growing state of crisis. But the Starseed must reawaken to his astral roots before he can make […]

The Rock of Unconditional Love: Rose Quartz Healing Stones & Crystals

rose quartz healing stones

Rose quartz is a powerful purification stone, a healing stone that offers a strong vibrational energy consisting of unadulterated love and light. This pure, protecting life-force surrounds the possessor with unconditional love – an essential component of healing heartbreaks, neglect, and resolving internal conflicts of the heart. Cleansing and opening the heart chakra with rose […]

Healing with Lapis Lazuli: Stone of the All-Seeing Egyptian Sky Goddess Isis

Lapis Lazuli

A powerful healing stone believed to impart awareness of the ancient knowledge and wisdom of the Egyptian Sky Goddess Isis, lapis lazuli is a high-vibrational stone with endless potential. The Egyptians utilized this stone in artwork, amulets, jewelry, and cosmetics; however, their use of it to portray the hair and adornments of the heavenly Goddess […]

Hematite Healing Stones – Staying Grounded While Raising Your Vibrations

Hematite Healing Stones

Black hematite stones are one of the most popular healing stones. Superior for physical and emotional healing, they are exceptionally high-vibrational stones that resonate with all seven chakras. However, this stone is primarily associated for having the strongest affect on the Base Chakra and the Sacral Hara Chakra. Hematite healing stones and crystals boast a […]