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Find Yourself: Mantras for Self-Discovery, Freedom and Joy

Mantras for Self-Discovery, Freedom and Joy

Our world is constantly evolving and constantly demanding that we, as a society and as individuals, evolve with it. Finding love and living an authentic lifestyle have become secondary to achieving professional success and financial security. Many of us become so immersed in our daily routines that over time, we lose touch with ourselves and […]

7 Sensational Herbs for Dream Recollection, Flying, & Spirit Communication

Dream Recollection

Our sleep offers a chance to temporarily free our selves from the physical reality that our body seems to constrain us to during the waking hours. That period of slumber is where dreams can come true, where we can escape physical grounding and have the ability to literally fly, travel anywhere we choose, and communicate […]

Crystals and Your Pet: Gemstone Therapy for a Happy, Healthy Companion

Crystals and Your Pet

As pet owners, we develop special, sacred bonds with our animals and try to do all we can to ensure that they live healthy, happy lives. Like humans, animals have energetic fields that can be affected by illness, stress and negative conditions in their environment. Crystal therapy for pets is a holistic and revolutionary approach […]

New Year, New You: Crystals for Addiction, Positivity and Renewal

Crystals for Addiction

With 2015 rolling in, you may have already found yourself struggling to commit to achieving your resolutions for the new year. Crystals are the perfect solution to finding the energy, motivation and positivity to fulfill your new year’s resolutions–once and for all. The soothing, therapeutic energy that crystals offer will help you kick addictions, lose […]

5 Signs You’re Making Progress in Daily Meditations

daily meditations

Meditation has been used for many centuries in effort to raise the resonance of love and consciousness within the Being, to heal, and to foster the Mind Body Spirit connection. Admittedly, I’m still relatively new to meditation, and as an arguably ‘high-strung’ individual learning to embrace the practice took several weeks. After just a few […]

Master Your Perceptions by Opening the Third Eye Chakra

opening the third eye chakra

The sixth layer of the seven major chakras and it is also commonly known as the brow or third eye chakra. This layer is considered the spiritual Vision Center and is located in the center of the forehead. Activating and opening this chakra of psychic power and intelligence is how one can become attune with […]

4 Tips for Maximum Benefits with Your Quantum Science Pendant

Quantum Science Pendant

If you own a LightShield™ energy quantum science pendant, you already understand the potential health and emotional benefits of these healing stones and crystals. However, there are few lesser known facts about the pendants that we occasionally get questions about from current and potential wearers. Here are 4 essential facts about quantum science pendants that […]

5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Energy and Vibration


Raising your vibrations, raising your frequency – terms we hear more commonly in this time of universal enlightenment – the practice isn’t quite as complex as quantum physics like it may sound. In fact, you can increase your physical and spiritual energy and vibration fairly easily through many practices with a genuine focus and intentions […]

Basic Types of Meditation – Altering Consciousness for Universal Receptivity


We hear the phrases ‘zoning out’ or ‘chilling’ and pleas for someone to just ‘take me away from all this’ often not realizing that that’s exactly what meditation is and can do – without need from an outside party necessarily. In its inception, various types of meditation were centered around religious teachings, practices, and beliefs […]

How to Meditate, Part 2


In “How to Meditate, Part 1,” we learned what how to get started with meditation, what meditation is, and isn’t, when to meditate and for how long. We also learned about Quantum Stones, and how they can help to open our Chakras, which are the energy centers of our bodies. Let’s continue the process of […]